MardiGrass Opening Ceremony

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Opened by Janelle Saffin MP, Member for Lismore

Bundjalung-Widjabal dancers herald the arrival of Chibo carrying the Hemp Olympix Torch with the Eternal Flame For The Victims Of Prohibition.

The Bundjalung Custodians will do a smoking ceremony and welcome to country followed by a minute’s silence to remember our Brothers and Sisters, Victims of this senseless War on Drugs. Cannabis still accounts for more than 75,000 arrests a year in Australia, more than ever before and 90% for personal use. That’s more than 200 arrests every day for pot. Jails have become highly profitable privately owned businesses guaranteed to be over capacity. About 4% of Australians are Aboriginal yet they make up 33% of our prisoners. And 78% of them have been in prison before. We believe ending the drug war will restore a lot of respect and drastically reduce prisoner numbers.



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