Photo by Hayley Hillis

Photo by Hayley Hillis

Photo by Hayley Hillis

2001 Events


"Speed Joint Rolling" was the first event we worked on.. I came up with the idea of a ‘speed rolling’ competition, remembering the moments squeezed in toilets rolling a joint to be shared discreetly outside the public venue.

Being always a devotee of carefully crafted joints inspired the idea of the “Artistic Joint Rolling Event” which allows “some time” (10min.)for competitors to enjoy rolling some magical creations.

Concerned for the health of our young bong smokers, who often use plastic bottles and garden hose, (which when heated through the cone might releases toxic fumes) we devised the “Bong Throwing Event”, as in throw out that dirty old bong and to suggest that there are much healthier ways to imbibe the herb - such as a tea, or eating it.

The “Irongrower-Person Event”. intends to illustrate why “mull” costs so much. It duplicates the real risks and hard work locals have  to perform carrying bags of fertiliser, buckets of water, (often up steep terrain) crawling through tick and leech infested thickets of Lantana plants, disguising the tracks to the crops from the police helicopter and the threat of being busted and going to jail.

Fed up with the injustice and their 'War on Drugs',we are introducing the "Hemp Javelin Event", to make the point stick about the draconian drug laws that need to be changed. 

                     To see rules click >>here<<

Photo by Hayley Hillis

Photo by Hayley Hillis

Photo by Hayley Hillis

Registration onsite for the heats. Gold coin (2 $) donation.

For more info and history plus pix from last year click here