Nimbin Mardi Grass 2002

Cannabis Law Reform Rally

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MARDI GRASS 2002 - ORIGINS - PAST YEARS - NEWS - nimbin HEMP embassy

NEWS RELEASE - 26th April 2002

Welcome! How ridiculous that we are still criminals, in 2002. All the best pain relieving herbs are illegal. Funny that! Not so funny that a few Pharmaceutical global giants control humanity’s pain relief. 75% of drug arrests are for cannabis which is not surprising as half our adult population has tried it. As if one is a criminal for using a herb!

Join us in the RALLY for Cannabis Law Reform on Sunday, and take the message home with you. Contact your local parliamentarian for an appointment and tell them what’s going on, most of them haven’t a clue and they make the laws.

John Howard hadn’t even heard of Industrial Hemp until we told him it existed! Bob Carr is building new jails. Michael Costa told us at the NSW Drug Summit he supported decriminalisation, but he’s not saying it now he’s Police Minister. John Brogden has been outspoken on drug issues but now he’s the new opposition leader, not a word! Ignorance is one thing, but the new generation of Ministers is much more aware and should be ashamed of themselves.

We can take heart from the proposed changes in England to reclassify cannabis so it’s a non arrestable offence. Increasingly in Europe drug use is seen as a health issue.

But in America George Bush’s War on Terrorism has joined the War on Drugs. Illegal drugs are big business, the second biggest on the planet, after armaments. The Taliban showed us clearly how intermingled the two are. George Bush’s two wars are endless and unwinnable. A real power trip!

We dedicate this Tenth Mardi Grass to PEACE.

Peace on the planet and harmony between the people and with the earth. Rarely is so much knowledge on the cannabis plant gathered together in one place. Make the most of it, enjoy Mardi Grass. Just Say KNOW.

The Kombi Konvoy leaves Byron Bay Main Beach Car Park at 4.30pm on Friday, joins the Lismore Kombis then arrives in Nimbin for the Opening Ceremony 6.30Pm.

Most of Mardi Grass is enclosed in Nimbin's Peace Park this year with the event running from Friday to Sunday evening. We reckon the $20 all week-end pass is great value but you can come for one day for $10 or do two hours volunteering for a pass.

MARDI GRASS 2002 - ORIGINS - PAST YEARS - NEWS - nimbin HEMP embassy

Nimbin Mardi Grass
Copyright © 2002 Nimbin HEMP Embassy