Nimbin Mardi Grass 2002

Cannabis Law Reform Rally

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MARDI GRASS 2002 - ORIGINS - PAST YEARS - NEWS - <nimbin HEMP embassy

NEWS RELEASE - 6th May 2002

Another Peaceful Mardi Grass!
The mellow qualities of cannabis once again created a peaceful Mardi Grass and Cannabis Law Reform weekend in Nimbin. It was the tiny villages Tenth Annual Rally with around ten thousand people visiting the extraordinary gathering.

The Hemp Olympix again proved very popular, attracting huge crowds. "Thousands of backpackers from overseas came, incredulous at our inventiveness. They really do love Nimbin", said Michael Balderstone from the Hemp Embassy.

Both Joint Rolling gold medals were again won by Bob the Builder who reduced his speed rolling time to 21.2 seconds, a whole second faster than last year. The speed roll involves making a three paper joint with a filter as fast as you can. The artistic roll gives contestants ten minutes and as many papers as they like. Bob won this year's artistic roll creating a Ganja Faery joint. Some heavy rain over the weekend turned the Growers Iron Person Event into a mud bath but no one was deterred with a burly visitor from England the winner. The Bong Throwing was won with a 38.26 metres throw.

There were two Giant Joints over ten metres long in the colourful Rally for Cannabis Law Reform this year which packed the main street for a hour. The only incident was a man dressed as a policeman with a (borrowed) sniffer dog; he looks like being charged for having an unregistered dog! Otherwise police are to be commended for their practical crowd safety approach. There were no arrests for cannabis. The Mardi Grass security crew, Jungle Patrol, worked with police over the weekend, ensuring good communication flow and mutual respect.

The Hemp Party announced they were unable to register their N.S.W Party for next year's State Election and will throw their support behind the Greens.

All agree it was one of the best Mardi Grasses with cannabis again proving its power in keeping a huge crowd peaceful and happy.

Further information: Nimbin Hemp Embassy, 02 6689 1842;

Pic of the Artistic Joint Rolling Competition Winner.

MARDI GRASS 2002 - ORIGINS - PAST YEARS - NEWS - nimbin HEMP embassy

Nimbin Mardi Grass
Copyright © 2002 Nimbin HEMP Embassy