Nimbin Mardi Grass 2003

Cannabis Law Reform Rally

click here to email Nimbin Mardi Grass

MARDI GRASS 2003 - ORIGINS - PAST YEARS - NEWS - nimbin HEMP embassy
Program Guide - Kombi Konvoy - Ganja Faeries - Poster Composition
Travel Guide - Accommodation - Nimbin Map
Jungle Patrol - Parking - Rubbish Recycling
Legal - Medical - Industrial - Political
NEWS RELEASE - 5th April 2003

Eleventh Mardi Grass

This year, 2003, is the Eleventh Mardi Grass year and already a lot of talk and planning is happening. The dates for the big weekend are May 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

We’re keen to have local involvement wherever possible, including food stalls. Do contact us.

Other areas of Mardi Grass that need energy are the Parade, Music and entertainment, HEMP forum, finance, security, and rubbish. We need lots of volunteers, who, from experience, can really enjoy themselves!

“I wondered why someone wasn’t doing something, until I realised I was someone”.

Michael Balderstone
Nimbin HEMP Embassy

MARDI GRASS 2003 - ORIGINS - PAST YEARS - NEWS - nimbin HEMP embassy

Nimbin Mardi Grass
Copyright © 2003 Nimbin HEMP Embassy