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Last Update: May 10, 2007 0:33 AM

This is Professor Puff

Nimbin 2007
I would like to introduce myself to you as Professor Puff (a name that was given to me by my students.) I first arrived in Australia Jan. 2007 from Vancouver B.C. Canada. I came here to suss out N.S.W. After being here for a few short weeks, I realised that this is a very special place in this world, @ that same time I realised that I have a very important job ahead of me....

In the nineties in Vancouver I was working in retail ...actually I was working in a "grow" store. My job [designing, building & setting up every possible style of growing] was to give people advice on how to grow! . 2/3's of our customers were of the hemp/cannabis flavour....the rest were regular folks, growing tomatoes or basil. It mattered not to me what they were concern was how they were growing! I am an organic gardener...preferring to work naturally with the plants. Over the years I taught a lot of fine people some of the basics of growing. We would start right from the beginning ....seeds, germination, veg, bloom, harvest curing...& finally, time for a Puff.

In the late nineties I went to learn about the "cannabis & hemp" industries from the Dutch point of view. The first thing that I noticed was that "I already knew" a lot about the plants. It was obvious to me & the Dutch breeders & growers & hash makers, that we had a lot in common. As my circle of friends started to grow did my knowledge. I had the honour of being a coffee shop guest judge for several "High Times Cannabis Cups" [the Americans] Then I had the invite to the "Dutch Cup" held in & around Amsterdam (this is where the Dutch bring out their best).

Returning to "Vansterdam" Canada....things were flowing along just fine in the wee small world of Professor Puff...until 9/11....the same day my passport expired...HHHhmmmm...even the travel gods were saying "don't go anywhere"...

Several years have passed & I now find myself back in the "Cannabis Activist" position of teaching people around the world the best ways to grow better marijuana.
I am not here to change the way people do their gardening....however I can help improve any harvest.

Seeds or Weed?
This is the first question I ask. Are you growing for smoke or are you growing for seeds?
If you are growing for yourself a favour & do that......& try to grow the best you can. Cut down your plants before they start to form seeds....the Mexicans call this simply "Sinsemilla". I have found that if you let the plants produce seeds - which is perfectly natural; they must do this @ the end of every bloom season (-ie.12 hours of light & 12 hours of complete darkness) because they are in the "weed" family also known as "annuals" ...this is the only way they have to keep the next generation alive. BUT! your full potency, flavour & all the other goodness that we like for smoking......goes into the seed production.....leaving you with a half ass smoke & a bag full of inferior seeds. (Oh! they will grow...but you are working with a very unreliable seed, prone to hermaphroditing

If you are growing for seeds....well that is a whole different ball game. You now can grow males & females, always picking the best of the best to do the seed production for can never get any plants better than their always pick the finest from what you have.
Of course, when you are growing for smoke' really have NO use for the male plants. Yes ! that's right gentlemen you gotta get outta here! One (of many) problems with growing "Bush" is cross pollination ....from males that you have germinated, or from another source... maybe the next valley...or possibly from an insect or bird. All very natural procedures that happen everyday with all plants. I cannot stress enuff importance on knowing where your seeds are coming from. Make sure you get them from a "breeder"....or one of the many "seed banks" around this planet. Those fine folks do everything in their power to bring you the most fertile & healthy seeds of known origin. As "breeders" they do not have any plants for smoke'e....they have to get their smoko from a grower!

You cannot grow both seeds and smoke @ the same time, if you want to have the best possible product on both accounts. I know some of you are saying "Hey Mate I have great smoke'o & I get my seeds from the same plants every year" You will notice after doing this for a while, you will end up having "Hermies" that look like little girls @ first...but then when you're not looking, those balls drop down like there was no tomorrow! Leave the breeding to the breeders. My suggestion is to find a strain you like & take "cuttings" or "clones" from a mother plant....always making sure that you have the healthiest mums possible. In my time I have seen a ten (10) year old mother plant, she took up a whole bedroom.. had a stock on her the size of a basketball...& in her 10 years she produced 1000's of babies all exactly like her....not a bad investment if you think about it.

Smoke or Choke?
Now I would like to touch bases on pest control. I prefer to let other plants or even other pests (to us) do the work for me. The pests that you will encounter, depend on where you grow. If you have a nice place will have a natural garden. Most of the pests you will encounter will be minimum. There will be times when your humidity levels will be higher than normal, & that will subject you to most "airborne" illness's....mould, mildew, fungus ...all of these can be dealt with naturally.
However when you have made a decision to grow indoors. You are saying that you don't need the sun, air, water or earth. Wow! Now all the above are against you. You have to imitate the "sun". You must bring into your plants..."air"....not just any air....really good air. The "water" you provide must be better or equal to the rain that falls. And lastly you must give your plants the best soils that you can find. . . . . or go "Hydroponic" (all that big word means is "no dirt".)...which means you now have to make your "water" as nutrient friendly as possible. Go to any good nursery or garden center & you will see shelf after shelf of plant foods. Some are man made...some are made from nutrients found around us, seaweed extracts, humic acids, organic composts....yes even "miracle grow". Basically, you as the gardener must make a decision on which food you use. Once you find a food that works for you follow the instructions & do not over fertilize your plants. Since I have been here I have seen very little "clean" smoke'o. The best way to see if your smoke'o is clean is to look @ the stalk....It should be hollow. If it is hollow that tells you that it was properly "leached" before being harvested. If the stalk is solid that tells you that it is still full of nutrients...which you are about to smoke. Plants cannot live on solids alone ... they (like us) need a mix of solids & liquids you must give lots of "water" to your the vegetative stage the plants take in a lot of nitrogen....this is used to make the structure of the plant....not enuff nitrogen in veg. stage means it will not have the strenth to hold up the buds. After a few weeks into the bloom can give your plants mostly water as it will have all the goodies in it to finish off the season. Now you will have the best tasting, strongest, healthiest smoke'o around.
See you all @ this years Nimbin Mardi Grass event's.


See you at MardiGrass...

NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy

51 Cullen Street, Nimbin, NSW 2480.
Copyright � 2007 Nimbin HEMP Embassy.