
Nimbin MardiGrass

Saturday 5th of May

Sunday 6th of May


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Last Update: May 10, 2007 0:13 AM


MardiGrass 007 Driver Arrivers Advice

STOP PRESS: Information has been received that the Saliva Testing Iemma-bago (no longer a Carr) will attend roads around the Blues Festival, and then come to Nimbin for MardiGrass. Expect it, and be prepared.

The March 29th Police press release.

The Press that contacted us the day of that release said police in even greater numbers, but Supt. Bruce Lyons told Michael this is not so, and that the Riot Squad are not coming. While there will be more police than there were before last year, there will not be as many as last year, in Nimbin village.

The roads around Nimbin will have more than usual policing in the week preceding MardiGrass. Any open breaches of the law during MardiGrass will be dealt with.

Thats as official a word on that as we have, so please come, and don't break any laws in front of the police, and let's show them that we are not criminals.

The winnebago went back to Sydney after the Blues Fest, so at least they didnt hang around discouraging everyone. It is assumed it will return before MardiGrass.

If the saliva tests are considered reliable enough by the powers that be, we may see the Iemma-bago Drug Testing Unit on roads leading to Nimbin during MardiGrass. We would recommend the designated driver system, where the straight person drives. We cannot really recommend travelling with a depressant, anti-depressant, opiate or cocaine using driver, that they don't test for despite there being saliva tests for these substances. The HEMP Embassy tested the Drugwipe Twin cannabis/amphetamine saliva kits, as used by police, recently and the results are here.

Last year people coming via Murwillumbah were told to turn back by police officers, who also were reported to have said that Nimbin was full. This was false information. We have never been "full". Mistrust any suggestion that you should turn back. Say you are visiting relatives that live somewhere ahead other than Nimbin, or try another road in maybe. Don't just slink away, intimidated and afraid. Contact us and tell us about it when you arrive.

Police activity and traffic on the roads around Nimbin will reach a peak on the Friday to Sunday of MardiGrass, and will probably begin to build up the week before. We have had a slight increase in street police activity of late, which may be the beginning of MardiGrass anti-publicity efforts by the "honorable" brotherhood of zero tolerance zealots.

There have been other events and trends claiming the attentions of the local police command the last twelve months, so, as reserve bogeymen to scare the isolated voters with, we Nimbinites haven't had much demonising publicity between last year's MardiGrass and now, which is good.

Greater numbers are the best response to intimidation.

Don't encourage the official fear exploiters..

Come to MardiGrass

Arrive early, leave late.



NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy

51 Cullen Street, Nimbin, NSW 2480.
Copyright � 2007 Nimbin HEMP Embassy.