Nathan Burton
Just having a read of your 2008 program, looked good, lots
of excellent info. I have been looking into importing hemp seeds/hemp
nuts/hemp hearts for human consumption, and have found that
the laws regarding hemp seed for human consumption have not
been appealed since 1998, at which point the Food Standards
Australia Newzealand (FNANZ), themselves after a extensive review
recommended it as a positive change here is the link to that.
The minister of the day knocked it back on these quoted terms
Industrial Hemp as a Novel Food
There has been an application for approval
of the inclusion of industrial hemp seeds and oil in
food and these are a good source of unsaturated
fats. These are a by-product of industrial hemp
which is now being grown experimentally
as an alternative source of fibre for paper, fabrics and
other purposes.
Ministers decided to retain the total
prohibition on the use of industrial hemp as a novel food.
Ministers believe that the use of hemp
in food may send a confused message to consumers about
the acceptability and safety of Cannabis.
There are also concerns about law enforcement issues,
particularly from a policing perspective
there are difficulties in distinguishing between high THC
Cannabis and low THC hemp products.
a load of rubbish...
... as the government has now changed I feel there is a good
chance for that to change. i realize importing hemp nuts from
canada is not the best but it would bring a lot of attention
to the matter of allowing farmers here to grow the seed for
food, also a step in the right direction. I am looking at appealing
this and feel that it could be beneficial to include a petition
and letters from the supporting public. I feel mardigrass would
be a great time to collect signatures, and/or get people to
sign prepared letters.
I personally grew 80 acres for seeds for human consumption under
a licence in canada, attached is some photos of my crop that
I had saved on my email. I could/would be willing to talk to
people about my experiences of growing and ease of licensing,
availability of it in canada, even safeway sells it...
Look forward to maybe meeting with you all.
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