Contact the MardiGrass organisers:
the Hemp Embassy
2011 Results:
Growers Iron Man:
1st - Luca (Italy)
- 31 seconds
2nd - Clemont (France) - 33 seconds
3rd - Ollie (France) - 37 seconds
Growers Iron Woman:
1st - Karen (Sunshine
Coast) - 51.06 seconds
2nd - Hannah (Sunshine Coast) - 51.45 seconds,
3rd - Sarah (Aratula) - 55.23 seconds
Mens Bongthrow:
1st - Hayden (Bongchucka
2nd - Garry ( Nimbin)
3rd - Luke (Caboolture)
Womens Bongthrow:
1st - Rachael (Ipswich)
2nd - Sallie (Nimbin)
3rd - Lisa (Dublin)
Joint Rolling:
Speed Roll:
1st - David (France)
- 24 seconds
2nd - Bob the Joint Builder
3rd - Sally (Nimbin)
1st - Bob the Joint
Builder - 53 seconds
2nd - David (France)
3rd - Sarah (Aratula)
Adverse Conditions:
1st - Raphael (France)
- 36 seconds
2nd - Bob the Joint Builder
3rd - Selina (Brisbane)
Artistic Roll:
1st - Tobias (Germany)
- "Orchestral Triangle with Striker"
2nd - Sarah (Aratula) - "Tulip"
3rd - Bob the Builder - "Prince William" &
Sally (Nimbin) - "Kate Middleton" - a Joint
2012 HEMP Olympix
Best All Roundperson - Sallie, Nimbin
Speed Roll
Matthew, of France
Wendy, of St George, Queensland
Sallie, of Nimbin
Artistic Roll
Bob the Joint Builder - "The Session"
Matthew of France - "Death Joint"
Karoon of Iran - "Tulip"
Roll in the Dark
Sallie of Nimbin - 51 seconds
Aaron of Jimboomba
Aamie of Woodburn
Adverse Conditions
Wendy of St George, Queensland - 29 seconds
Bob the Joint builder
Sallie of Nimbin
Women's Ironperson
Rachael of Ipswich - 1.14 minutes
Rachael of Canada - 1.15 minutes
Hannah of the Sunshine Coast - 1.16 minutes
Women's Bong Throw (Accuracy)
Mel of Newcastle
Andrea of Nimbin
Yarni of Southport
Men's Ironperson
Miro of Slovakia - 1.01 minutes
Clark of Canada - 1.03 minutes
Bob of Tasmania - 1.11 minutes
Men's Bong Throw (Accuracy)
Luke of the Sunshine Coast
Dave of Newcastle
Chuck of California
2013 Results:
Growers Iron Man:
1st - Anders (Denmark)
- 1m 22 seconds
2nd - Forest (Byrrill Creek) - 1m 23 seconds
3rd - Jose (Chile) - 1m 24 seconds
Growers Iron Woman:
1st - Hashy Smashy
(Doobieville) - 1m 38 seconds
2nd - Hannah (Sunshine Coast) - 1m 49 seconds,
3rd - Cloud (Taiwan) - 1m 56 seconds
Mens Bongthrow:
1st - Robbo Da Yobbo
(Da Gabba) 36.1m
2nd - Luca (Sunshine Coast) 34.5m
3rd - Ananda (Lillian Rock) 34.4m
Womens Bongthrow:
- Hannah (Sunshine Coast) 32.6m
2nd - Hashy Smashy (Doobieville) 29.5m
3rd - Sally (Nimbin) 29.0m
Joint Rolling:
Speed Roll:
1st - Bob the Joint
Builder - 29 seconds
2nd -Wendy (St George)
3rd - Andreas (Germany)
1st - Wendy (St
George) - 1m 03seconds
2nd - Bob the Joint Builder
3rd - Sally (Nimbin)
Adverse Conditions:
1st - Bob the Joint
Builder - 39 seconds
2nd - Andreas (Germany)
3rd - Hannah (Sunshine Coast)
Artistic Roll:
1st - Jack (Austria)
- "Lotus Flower"
2nd - Marvin (Germany) - "Joint with Peace Sign"
3rd - Bob the Joint Builder - "Helicopter"
Plantem Award
(Sunshine Coast)