
Nimbin MardiGrass

Saturday 6th of May

Sunday 7th of May


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Cannabis Law Reform Rally

NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy

Last Update: May 11, 2007 10:17 PM


The war on drugs is psychosis. Zero tolerance is psychosis.

Therefore "Non-use of cannabis causes psychosis!"

Makes more sense really.

Nimbin's copped another round of media flack recently, suggesting we'll be the next "Cronulla", despite having five cameras monitoring our every joint in the main drag! However, the hippy dream is not dead, as our local member said in the DT, and we are one of the least racist communities that exist, I reckon. The beach part of Cronulla would be good though!

I read the NSW Police Commissioner Ken Moroney and the Reverend Father Chris Riley, from Youth Off the Streets, are teaming up to build a $3 million youth centre in Macquarie Fields to provide sporting facilities, education programs and drug and alcohol counselling...'to not only break the cycle of crime and antisocial behaviour but to foster a sense of confidence and self-worth'.

I think that's great news and shows a significant change in Police tactics. Real respect is earnt, it doesn't come from fear, and I maintain that prohibition has created massive disrespect for authority, and the other mostly sensible and necessary laws.

Drug use is a medical issue and is only in the criminal realm because of laws introduced last century by people with totally ulterior motives.

People who have been involved in the illegal drug world understand the laws are ludicrous and everyday users of cannabis are often people you would never pick. They have responsible jobs, businesses etc, lead "normal" lives, its just their choice of medicine or recreation. Like my father always looks forward to his two whiskeys every evening.....

Today in Nimbin the hippy dream is not only alive but has adapted as it's been brought down to earth by prohibition. The hippie's sacred magic plant has become big business in Australia with an estimated $8 billion annual turnover, twice the wine industry. This GST free and high risk money attracts people here who have nothing to do with hippydreaming. But the dream asks for tolerance and acceptance, spiritual stuff.

It seems there's always a scapegoat or two to keep the masses anger and blame focused. It's often racist, anybody different, anybody who threatens our daily rituals, habits and comfort zones. The aboriginals took the brunt for years and still do, but hippies, long haired, lazy dope smoking hippies, have always been an easy target, they don't fight back. Probably cannabis psychosis!

In possibly a psychosis induced moment we've agreed to take the Big Joint down to Canberra after MardiGrass to show John Howard we're just like the people next door! Someone suggested, for a better hearing, we all wear a white shirt and tie to look more like his tribe. Others say, and I suspect they're right, Nimbin asking for cannabis law reform is playing right into their hands. But who else is willing to risk losing their non-jobs?

Change is upon us pot smokers. Will the saliva testing truck come to MardiGrass? Who realises you can sample a smorgasbord of drugs on a given day, but everything except uniquely fat-soluble cannabis has left your urine and blood after that day. Cannabis registers for up to two months!

The harder the push against cannabis, the more people will turn to powders and pills which are much easier to hide. We'll find out soon enough what's causing the "psychosis"!

MardiGrass is on the 6th and 7th of May this year. Please join the protest and celebration of this extraordinary plant which not long ago was the most grown crop on the planet. Please also, old 'hippies' who did inhale long ago, don't forget the magic of that mind-expanding moment. You knew full well back then that prohibition was a recipe guaranteed for disaster. Well, the disasters have been happening for quite a while now, and I think the Nimbin community is extra-ordinary in its efforts at harm minimisation under extremely difficult circumstances.The jail without walls, free-range psychiatric clinic, and tourism destination!

Please come.

Nimbin MardiGrass


Sat 6th & Sun 7th
of May 2006

14th Annual
Nimbin MardiGrass Posters

Sat 6th & Sun 7th
of May 2006

2006 Nimbin Cannabis Cup

Sometime round
Sat 6th
of May, 2006


Sat 6th & Sun 7th
of May 2006

Nimbin Hemp Olympix XI

Sat 6th & Sun 7th
of May 2006

Million Man
Marijuana March

The Jungle Patrol

Information, Directions and Peace Promotion
MardiGrass 2006

Do the Red Cross HOPE Course !

Training Dates changed!

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2006 Marihuana Music Awards

Have you got Grass music?

Results, Follow on analysis, Aftermath, Photos.

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"The whole world is watching"

"You've got the whole wide world in your hands"

NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy

51 Cullen Street, Nimbin, NSW 2480.
Copyright � 2006 Nimbin HEMP Embassy.