
Nimbin MardiGrass

Saturday 5th of May
Sunday 6th of May


E-mail Nimbin MardiGrass


Cannabis Law Reform Rally

NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy - Poetry for the Head -

Last Update: May 10, 2007 11:29 PM


Want to be a Ganga Faerie at MardiGrass?

Ganga Faeries meeting for rehearsal on Saturday at the Dance Studio, Community Centre, from 11am till 1pm Ganga Faeries preparing for Rally � Sunday from 12noon at Dance Studio

This MardiGrass Events program will change, currently up to ten+ times daily,
as new information comes to hand.

Check this page regularly if that matters.

Breaking News Friday, April 27th

The Lismore Shire Council and Richmond Area Police Command have informed us that, due to a petition by residents living around the Doof location, the Doof will not be allowed to continue anywhere in the Lismore Shire without a development application. There is not enough time for a DA to pass through Council before MardiGrass. It would appear the 2007 Doof has been shut down.

With the total lack of trouble last year, and exposure of the big lie of Thomas George's "Nimbin the next Cronulla Riot", the Richmond Area Command has pledged to waste slighly less resources on this year's MardiGrass. The Riot Squad will not be here is what they say, but there will not be as few police as used to be here before '06 either.

Come with all your friends, keep it peaceful, and show the world, "We are not criminals!"

Police Press Release 29th March 2007

Driver Advice on the Saliva Testing Iemma-bago

Since last year riots and vandalism have occurred in nearly every other town of the Richmond, while good old Nimbin has had a peaceful year. This makes the ideological motives behind excessive policing ever more obvious. We are being used as a political stunt, but it could not be called a cheap one.

You can check the weather on the Grafton NSW Rain Radar

You can check the NSW weather on the Infra-red Australian Weather Sattelite

You can check the Infra-red Australian Weather Sattelite

Please respect our little peace of Gondwanaland.

007 - Licenced to Mull

A Full Weekend Pass costs $30 and gives you access to all official activities, including those in Peace Park and the Nimbin Town Hall . A One Day Pass for either Saturday or Sunday costs $20. A Full Weekend and Camping Pass combined is $50.

The MardiGrass Organising Body endeavours to keep MardiGrass accessible to everyone, but we do need YOU to BUY A PASS to cover costs and support the future of MardiGrass and our efforts for Cannabis Law Reform.

Please be generous of heart.

If you cannot afford that or just want to contribute to the cause, you can register as a volunteer at the Hemp Embassy or the Information Booth in front of the Hall. Four hours and Twenty minutes (4:20) volunteering earns you a weekend pass.

We need volunteers from as early as Monday on, so if you want to be part of the preparations, come early. You do not have to register in advance, just come. Locals are especially encouraged to volunteer four hours and twenty minutes to obtain their weekend pass. Register at the Hemp Embassy prior to the weekend. Volunteers are needed throughout the weekend so register your interest in the bunker at the back of Embassy.

"Accommodation" is not provided for volunteers, camping is available at many sites near the village, a bedroll and sleeping bag are minimum kit. The nights are starting to get cold at MardiGrass so make sure you bring warm clothing and something in case it rains.

Jobs are varied, and according to the needs of the moment. They can include fence and barricade construction, rubbish collection, erecting marquees and tents, setting up stages, constructing big joints, and anything else that needs to be done to make MardiGrass happen successfully.

Early volunteers could assemble the Big Joint on Wednesday or Thursday before.

Please remember to respect this village that allows this festival, and try to conduct yourself as a true ambassador for HEMP. Do not give our opponents free ammunition through bad behaviour. The whole world is watching, possibly when you least expect it.... Be your best self. Peace.

The Jungle Patrol, the parking attendants, all the people doing the work that make it possible, they are all VOLUNTEERS, so please try to help them to help you.

Chill Out Zones: So far, Peace Park and Town Hall


The HEMP Embassy is the main contributor to MardiGrass.
Help them to help put it on again.
Buy something from them. Go on.

The Embassy will be open as much as possible given the staff also want to enjoy the MardiGrass program.

The "Tomato Sauce" building, home of the HEMP Embassy, with the front awning returned to the way it was from 1918 to 1980, completed just in time for MardiGrass 007.

You are getting sleepier, (yawn) you are getting sleepier,(yawn), you are completely under my control, (yawn) when you stop reading this you will go and BUY something at the HEMP Embassy! FINGER SNAP! Go.....

If I might recommend this years range of genuine official MardiGrass T-shirts.....available only from the HEMP Embassy and the Hemp Embassy Online Shop. Please don't settle for a rip-off imitation ...

INTRA (Buttery Outreach Drug Service) are please to accept an invitation from the Nimbin Hemp Embassy to provide a variety of services at Mardi Grass 2007. INTRA has previously worked with the Hemp Embassy trialling out the new Saliva Drug Testing devices.

INTRA workers have just completed a huge five nights at the Byron Bluesfest. The workers completed over 3200 breathalyser tests and more than 400 enquiries about the NSW Roadside Saliva Drug Testing laws. We look forward to working in a more chilled Nimbin environment.

One of our aims is to help keep people safe throughout the Mardi Grass weekend. We would like to have no festival goers test positive to alcohol or other drugs at any of the police random roadside testing spots.

INTRA are assembling a team of health workers to provide breathalyser services at various locations throughout the weekend. (For those drivers who forgot which drug they were here for!) Machines will be permanently located at the Nimbin Hotel and Bowling club from Friday to Monday. We will also be giving out information about the saliva drug testing. Depending on the interest we should have some of the pesky Drugwipe saliva testing devices for sale. A warning: these are expensive at $40 each and unreliable. In addition, we have organised to have an Impairment testing program set up as a trial so that people can self assess when its safe to drive. There will be specialist Drug and Alcohol workers available for information, support and referral.

INTRA are also pleased to be trialling Chill Out at the Saturday night Doof with experienced workers from Gold Coast Chill Out service.

Party Safe Northern Rivers Trial
Party Safe Chill Out Training

Minimum qualifications for liability reasons to work in Chill Out is Senior First Aid Certificate or equivalent.

M*U*N*C*H (Monitoring*Unfair*Nimbin*Cannabis*Hype!)

We need licensed non-stoners with vehicles to be the M*U*N*C*H vehicles, which will patrol the approach roads to Nimbin making sure police don’t turn people away from the MardiGrass like they did last year, saying “Nimbin is full, turn around and go home!” and observe police behaviour generally. Our fleet of M*U*N*C*H vehicles will be monitoring any unfair Nimbin Cannabis Hype.

Caution: May differ from actual vehicle.

Hemp Jelly Wrestling (April Press Release: Shock news!), the OTYAs (Of-The-Year-Awards) , Hemp Olympix return of the Tug o' Peace, Comedy Cafe performances, music, laughter, new special event wheelie bins from Lismore City Council, and the Doof has been shut down by the Council and Police.

This list will grow!

oo7 MardiGrass - Galaxy of Stars : Hemp Olympix, Olympix Torch Bearer, Ganja Faeries, Plantem, Kombi Konvoy, Spook, Growers Forum, Joint Rolling, Growers' Iron Person, Bong Throw and Yell, Cookie Man, Jungle Patrol, Tug O' Peace, Cannabis Cup, Hempseed Blissballs, Michael, Chibo, Salty, Jamie, Gail, Sheelby, Sam, Dave, Peter McDonald, Pot Art, Pot Art Tatoo, Church of the HOLYSMOKE, Wadzy and Clara, Hemp Expo, Bubble Hash, Louis Burdett, Ganja City Ram, Bertha Control, Andrew Kavasilas, L.E.A.P., Wild Marmalade, Kat, Utopians, Bart Willoughby, Seed Swap, Police Monologues, Charlie McMahon, Legless from Adelaide, Invisible Friend, Nunukul Kunjeil, One4One, Antibodies, Shivara, Dr. Keith ‘hempseed’ Bolton, Elsewhere, David Hallett, StickyPoint, HEMP Embassy, H*E*M*P*Bar, Kog, Remo, Barefoot Bowls, Andrew Katelaris, Martin Preedy, Asia, Bikko & Doug, Kaptain Reefer & the Konescrapers, Lovebus, ZELFO, Damiana All Stars, BRINGABONG, Archie, S Sorrensen & Alan Glover, INTRA, Dick Desert and The Shotgun Country Club, Pickers Ball, M*U*N*C*H, George Scott, Robert Bruce, Professor Puff from Vancouver, Jordan Lawrence, the Goddess, Oasis Comedy Cafe, Pot Slam Poetry, Bo Kaan, Mari-J-Magik, World Wide Marijuana March, Maxx Mango & the Seedless Variety, Minx Contortionista, Professor Michael Dawson, Lordz of the Fly, Baron Samadhi, Azzadoota, Spoonbill, The Hoochers, The Medieval Knights of the Black Grail, Steve Bolt and legal advice, Bob the joint builder, John Jiggens, Dr Bud, Carol de Launey PhD HEMP, Mullaways, MardiGrass Markets, Big Bong’s Max Stone and the new Big Joint, SUNDAY 2:30 RALLY!!!!!!

Cookies are not always a "weak" option. Every MardiGrass we get a few people who take too many too fast, and immobilise themselves, missing everything....sleeping it off, or being upset or disoriented at being in a condition they did not expect. So try not to pig out on da Cookies, OK?! Take it slow, till you know, that's the go......

Rusty Cleared! - Case Dismissed!
Rusty's preparedness to debate anyone, regardless of their official powers, lead to him being called "Jesus" by visiting Police , and then charged with assault last MardiGrass; a charge dismissed after the arresting officers contradicted each others evidence in court. Rusty may not have been convicted, but is still left with considerable Court Costs after clearing his name. Anyone wishing to donate to Rusty's Court costs can see him at MardiGrass. There you can talk to him, buy his postcards or make a contribution to his Court Costs Piggy Bank.

The Information Booth will be outside the Town Hall
Join the HEMP Party here. Buy Armbands, Cup Raffle Tickets. Get Programs, Information. Volunteer.

A big joint.

The HEMP Party wants you!

Federal Hemp Party membership form.

NSW HEMP Party membership form.

Click on the map for a bigger map.

See the Traffic Control Plan

Changing the world from the bottom up, are doing 15 composting toilets in a way that will make unloading a pleasure. Check their website; a first for MardiGrass and the North Coast...

Don't forget to buy a ticket in the Raffle for Cannabis Cup Judging positions....your armband gives you one chance, raffle tickets give you more chances.

Check out the 2NimFM radio podcast site at This site includes podcasts of many of the 2NimFM radio programs broadcast during last MardiGrass. They will be recording events over MardiGrass and posting new material as it comes in.

While at MardiGrass, Tune your FM radio to NIM FM 102.3 broadcasting live from venues around the village. NimFM are doing the Town Hall Cafe and Chill Space this year, so please support them.


Friday 4th of May

*MardiGrass* begins:

12:00am - Town Hall Information Booth opens

4:20pm - Web Cam Broadcast begins at the H*E*M*P*Bar :

4:00pm Pickers Ball: Town Hall, hosted by the Nimbin Headers Sports Club, licensed! Kitchen by "NimFM Munchies Cafe" Performers include Mona Lizard, Asia, Maxx Mango and the Seedless Variety, Martin and the Big Notes, George Scott and special guests.

Opening Ceremony - Allsop Park, with Bundjalung elders, Nunukul Kunjeil the Mullet Fish Clan Corroboree. Music by George Scott and Shivara. The arrival of the Hemp Olympix Torch Bearer with the Eternal Flame for victims of prohibition . There will be a minute's silence.

Other Roadside Attractions:

Nimbin Hotel: Food, drink, and live entertainment

Bowlo: Food, drink, and live entertainment

Birth and Beyond * Earth First Films Grooves and Chill Space * follow the lights. Local Films * The Gathering, with Bunna Lawrie at 7pm followed by David Bradbury’s must see films ‘Blowin’ in the wind’, ‘Hard Rain’, and more.

Regional Gallery * "Daze of our Lives" Exhibition

Saturday 5th of May

Peace Park: Saturday 10am to 10 pm
Featuring Hemp Expo in Peace Park all weekend, to include Zelfo Australia�s new hemp plastics. Clothing, Arianrhod Aromatics and their MARI-J-MAJIK cosmetics, oil, bricks, paper; any product that can be made from the cannabis plant.

INTRA Saliva Driva Information Stall. Open all day, Saturday and Sunday.

10:00 am * Peace Park, CWA (Cooking With Attitude) Breakfast of Champions Hosts Martin Preedy and Archie, with Sheelby, Sam, Dave, and Professor Puff of Vancouver with his Animal Banana Delights and Hemp Seed Bliss Balls! Folk music, Asia, Kaptan Reefer & the Kone Scrapers, Jordan Lawrence and Remo.

11:00 am * Pot Poetry Slam with Gail M. - Winner to be guest at Cannabis Cup judging - $100 prize money, with Archie, Len Martin, Professor Puff and David Hallett, 2007 Woodford Storytelling Champion, who promises a ripping Ganja story.

11:00 am * Holy Communion with Hempseed Cakes and the Goddess of the Church of the Holy Smoke.

11:30 * Baptism with the Goddess, leading to the Knights of the Black Grail - a medieval performance group, who demonstrate the punishments of ages gone by, beheadings, garrotings, disembowellings, and burnings to remind us how it used to be long ago, before they had enough prisons.

12:00 * Hemp Olympix registration and First heats of the Bong Throw and Yell, followed by the Growers Ironperson. Hosted by S Sorrensen and Alan Glover.

Press Release: Cruel blow to the Jelly Wrestlers!

1:30 pm * Industrial Hemp Forum - with Keith Bolton, Wadzy, Klara, Peter Hardwick Hemp Expo Tent.

2:00 pm * Mass Marriage into the Church of the Holy Smoke.

2:00 pm * Bubblehash Demonstration

2:00 till 3:00 pm * Music by The Utopians

3:00 pm * Hemp Olympix Joint Rolling : Speed, Artistic and Adverse Conditions. Sponsored by Bringabong

4:20 pm * World Record Attempt for greatest number of joints rolled at an event, followed by * Hemp Olympix Tug O' Peace with the Knights of the Black Grail organising.

5:00pm to 10:00pm * Peace Park Stage * Concert for Cannabis Law Reform

* Music by Invisible Friend, Charlie McMahon, Wild Marmalade, Legless, Robert the Bruce, Doug and Biko.

Town Hall
Chill Zone, to include Hemp Forum, Pot Art Tattoo, Movies, Music, Food, Peace & Quiet, in the Garden at least.

1:00 pm * MardiGrass Just Say Know Forum * MC Bob Tissot, President of NimFM * Starting with legal advice from Steve Bolt the Forum will discuss all things cannabis. Law reform, medicinal cannabis, the latest research, saliva testing, psychosis or not, hydro v bush… panel includes John Jiggens, Professor Michael Dawson, Dr. Paul Recher, Dr.Carol de Launey, Remo, Andrew Katelaris, Andrew Kavasilas from LEAP, Professor Puff and Dr Einstone from

Sunset: * Growers Forum with Kog.

6:00pm * Rock and Constitutional Law * A discussion on Court tactics.

Nimbin Regional Art Gallery
Helen Rodriguez and Frenz - Local and Pot Art - Open all weekend.

Other Roadside Attractions:

Nimbin Community Centre
MardiGrass Market open all weekend: Stage with MC Bo Kaan 10am David Julian 10:45 Maxx Mango & the Seedless Variety 11:30 Martin Preedy 12:15 Shivara 1pm Mona Lizard 1:45 Bo Deadly Kaan 2:30 Al Japaljari Showband 3:15 Paranoia Club 4:15 Hypernova 5pm Dick Desert and The Shotgun Country Club 6pm ONE4ONE 7pm Sai Masil 8pm Progressive Film Festival.

Birth and Beyond * Earth First Films Grooves and Chill Space * follow the lights. Local Films * The Gathering, with Bunna Lawrie at 7pm followed by David Bradbury’s must see films ‘Blowin’ in the wind’, ‘Hard Rain’, and more.

10:00 am * Registration of entries for Pot Art Tattoo Show begins.
2:45 pm * Registration of entries for Pot Art Tattoo Show closes.
3:00 pm * Showtime and judging for Pot Art Tattoo Show.

Nimbin Hotel: Food, drink, and live entertainment

Goori Stage * behind the Museum * Performances by Nunukul Kunjeil, Spook, Bart Willoughby ….

Rainbow Cafe * Bertha Control

3:30 pm * Kombi Konvoy arrives in Nimbin. Sponsored by Rvbyesque - Could people in the crowd please refrain from jumping on the back bumpers of Kombis as they pass through town, as it can damage the vehicles. This year the Kombis get to park at the Showgrounds! This means they will go down Sibley St, specially opened for them, to go round the block, along Thorburn Street, and back along Cullen Street to the Showgrounds in Cecil Street.

9:00 pm on... The Oasis Comedy Cafe ......starring S Sorrensen, Alan Glover, Mandy Nolan, Ellen Briggs, Jenny Wynter (Bris). and more.

6:00 pm Saturday to Midday Sunday * Open Mind Freedom Festival * (Doof)

Sunday 6th of May

Peace Park: Sunday 10am to 5pm
Weaving Workshops: bring the best fibrous stalks you can.

During the day there will be an Exorcism of the recently revived Reefer Madness demon, conducted by the Goddess and the Black Knights. (Bring a sealed container.) Pray for us all, that we survive the onslaughts of the Dark Side.

INTRA Saliva Driva Information Stall, with Professor Michael Dawson, open all day.

10:00 am * Peace Park, CWA (Cooking With Attitude) Breakfast of Champions Hosts Martin Preedy and Archie, with Sheelby, Sam, Dave, and Vancouver's Professor Puff with his Animal Banana Delights and Hemp Seed Bliss Balls! Folk music, Asia, Kaptan Reefer & the Kone Scrapers, Jordan Lawrence and Remo.

10:00 am * Hemp Expo includes Zelfo Australia�s new hemp plastics. Clothing, Arianrhod Aromatics and their MARI-J-MAJIK cosmetics, oil, bricks, paper; any product that can be made from the cannabis plant.

11:00 am * Seed Swap * Performance by Knights of the Black Grail

11:30 till 1:30 pm * Hemp Olympix (Finals) Iron Person & Bong Throw and Yell.

12:00 * Bubblehash Demonstration

12:30 pm * Industrial Hemp Forum with Dr Keith (hempseed) Bolton on how the Hemp Industry can help save the Earth, includes Wadzy, Klara and Peter Hardwick.

1:30 pm (or End of Olympix, whichever comes first) * Cannabis Cup Raffle drawn. You must have a ticket, be there, and have a valid armband in order to be eligible. This year the armband number gives you one chance, and then buying raffle tickets gives you extra chances.

The Main Event:
2:00 pm

Begin to gather for the Cannabis Law Reform Rally & Parade which will begin at top of Cecil St., Opposite the local Police Station.
2:30 pm
Cannabis Law Reform Parade March
which proceeds to Peace Park for the Rally.

Sometimes the parade might stop while the Ganja Faeries up front do a brief set performance. This keeps the parade from being too hasty, and allows the crowd a better opportunity to take it all in. All marchers behind should stop too. No rush. Percussionists who have not been practicing with the Ganja Faerie troupe are asked to form a Second Drumming Troupe, half way back in the parade to provide another independent wave of percussion for the crowd and a continuing accompaniment for the parade. Beware of badly manouvering Big Joints; its a bit of a hassle for the joint to change direction. Give the Joint room on corners. The march will eventually make its way to the Rally in Peace Park.

3:30 pm * Rally, Peace Park Gathering and Speeches. John Kaye - Greens MLC, Smoulder and Remo.

Sunset * Peace Park * MardiGrass Harvest Celebration * Antibodies, Peppa Rose and the Transit Band, Gabi Bliss and the Love Circus, Martin and the Big Notes and special guests.

Town Hall
Chill Zone, Forums, Movies, Music, Food, with occasional Peace & Quiet, in the Garden at least.

12:00 am * MardiGrass Just Say Know Forum * MC Bob Tissot * Starting with legal advice from Steve Bolt the Forum can discuss all things cannabis. Law reform, medicinal cannabis, the latest research, saliva testing, psychosis or not, hydro v bush… panel includes John Jiggens, John Kaye - NSW Greens MLC, Professor Michael Dawson, Dr.Carol de Launey, Remo, Andrew Katelaris, Andrew Kavasilas from LEAP and Professor Puff.

5:00 pm * Joint Rolling Finals


Other Roadside Attractions:

Nimbin Community Centre
Aquarius Markets Stage MC Bo Kaan: 10am Marissa, 10:45 Special Surprise act, 11:30 Asia, Adam and Jordan, midday Kaptan Reefer and the Konescrapers, 1pm Zahlu, 3:45 Paranoia Club, 5pm Dick Desert and The Shotgun Country Club.

Goori Stage * all day behind the Museum with Chai Tent. MC Spooki - includes Corroboree by Nunukul Kunjeil at 1pm, Quandamooka Reggae Band, Bart Willoughby, Wagner’s Brazilian Drummers, Al Japaljarri’s Showband, Sadin and the Brazilian Rastas ….

10:00 am * Barefoot Bowls at the Bowling Club (Please, not to use for mulling.)
1:00 pm * Boogie Nites

Nimbin Hotel: Food, drink, and live entertainment Spoonbill 7.30-11pm electro/funk/dance band from Melbourne, also featuring Minx Contortionista!

Birth and Beyond * Earth First Films Grooves and Chill Space * follow the lights. Local Films * The Gathering, with Bunna Lawrie at 7pm followed by David Bradbury’s must see films ‘Blowin’ in the wind’, ‘Hard Rain’, and more.

* Oasis Cafe: "Police Monologues"...
9:00 * Oasis Comedy Cafe: starring S Sorrensen, Alan Glover, Jenny Wynter (Bris). and more.

Rainbow Cafe * LoveBus at 3:00, 6:00 and 9:00 pm *

When you leave our gentle village, beware of blue meanies and drive safely so that one day you can return again to our magic land. Meanwhile, keep the magic alive within you, so that one day it might spread.

The Saturday after MardiGrass, May 12th,

is the Aquarius Foundation's

34th Anniversary of the Aquarius Festival Reunion and Gig.

2008 will be the 35th Anniversary, and a Big Gathering.

It is 2007. Cannabis users are still considered criminals. Politicians still misrepresent cannabis and cannabis users to the public. A fawning media gleefully assist. A good worker is a "drug free" worker. Big Brother is escalating. The rungs on the ladder of opportunity are other people's heads. Nimbin puts new meaning into being heard in-camera. Is there a vision acceptable to a committee? How do we end the dreadlock? "Us old hippies aren't going to take it any more"? (It worked for Peter Finch.) Give me a word I can believe in, and I will take the leaf of faith. Take it to the most high. The Bush burns. The plant is beheaded. The old season is dead! Grow fresh grass, and be fruitful! The Muller has spoken many words and yet said nothing. His mumbles will set you free! Follow the mumble. Verily, verily, very eerily, life is but a dream....then I awake, and look around me, at six dotted surfaces that surround me, and I realise, they're dicing for my hempen raiment. You'll deny me thrice before the bong throws, I know, and then the blind horsemen of the Acopalypse will come, bringing Canna-geddon, and the swords of the Zero-T. How many times, Witch Hunter General?

2007 Sponsors

Click on the images for sponsors websites (those that have websites anyway...)

aLeda King Size Transparent Rolling Papers

PH/FAX 0740580753
MOBILE 0404359911
EMAIL (coming soon)

Natural Event is Australia's only waterless composting toilet company especially for events.
Natural Event saves thousands of litres of water and recycles poo into valuable soil and worms.
Art, comfort and sustainablity are the new norms for doing the business...
Natural Event - "changing the world from the bottom up"
- is proud to support The Hemp Embassy and The Mardi Grass in bringing great music culture and sustainability to a beautiful part of the world.

Chief Sponsor of MardiGrass

The sex industry, the drugs industry, and the gambling industry: Governments have always struggled with how to regulate certain pleasure seeking behaviors, especially when they clash with religious concepts of sin, which sex, drugs and gambling usually do. In law they they tend to come under the general description of 'Vice', which addresses the big three 'morality crimes'.

The problem for governments is that these activities are not always harmful (even though they can be), and in one form or another, they are as old as civilization and haven't shown much sign of disappearing. People, it seems, like pleasure and seek it out regardless of whether it is frowned upon, or even specifically prohibited and criminalised, as gambling drugs and sex work have been and remain to varying degrees in different places around the world.



And then next year....


NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy - Poetry for the Head -

51 Cullen Street, Nimbin, NSW 2480.
Copyright � 2007 Nimbin HEMP Embassy.