

Nimbin MardiGrass

Saturday 3rd of May
Sunday 4th of May



Email Nimbin MardiGrass



Cannabis Law Reform Rally

NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay.. - Ganja Faeries
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy - Poetry for the Head -

Last Update: March 17, 2009 2:15 PM



All self recognised Knights Hemplar and Dharma Farmers are called on a Religious Crusade to Nimbin, home of the Church of the Holy Smoke, to all meet there on the First Weekend in May, in the Year Sixteen of our MardiGrass, to participate in all the Sacred Ceremonies of the Holy Smoke, and smoke the Pipes of Peace.

It is Thirty Nine Years since the Death of Hippie in San Francisco; followed by the Resurrection of his Spirit in a thousand smiling faces. That Smile spread through the Sandstone Nations in a Decade of Optimism. Since then the Fog of Mammon has spread. Still we perform the Ceremonies and remember the Martyrs imprisoned for their private observances.

Make your way past the gathering Orcs. Come to the Aquarian Shrine. Celebrate with Herb and Friends. Pay Homage to the Bountiful Flowering Fruit, Debate, Discuss, Learn and Socialise. Compete in the Hemp Olympix or Nimbin Cannabis Cup. March in the Anti Prohibition Procession. Be peacefully free. Make your mark in the Book of MardiGrass.

Of course, we expect exhemplary behaviour from our pilgrims. Good heart to you all.



You can check the weather on the Grafton NSW Rain Radar

You can check the NSW weather on the Infra-red Australian Weather Sattelite

You can check the Infra-red Australian Weather Sattelite

Weather Warning

Please respect our little peace of Gondwanaland.

Click on the map above for a larger version.

Stoned CrowA Full Weekend Pass costs $30 and gives you access to all official activities, including those in Peace Park and the Nimbin Town Hall . A One Day Pass for either Saturday or Sunday costs $20. A Full Weekend and Showground Camping Pass combined is $50.

The MardiGrass Organising Body endeavours to keep MardiGrass accessible to everyone, but we do need YOU to BUY A PASS to cover costs and support the future of MardiGrass and our efforts for Cannabis Law Reform.

Please be generous of heart.


If you cannot afford a pass or just want to contribute to the cause, you can register as a volunteer at the Hemp Embassy or the Information Booth in front of the Hall. Four hours and Twenty minutes (4:20) volunteering earns you a weekend pass.

We need volunteers from as early as Monday on, so if you want to be part of the preparations, come early. You do not have to register in advance, just come. Locals are especially encouraged to volunteer four hours and twenty minutes to obtain their weekend pass. Register at the Hemp Embassy prior to the weekend. Volunteers are needed throughout the weekend so register your interest in the bunker at the back of Embassy.

"Accommodation" is not provided for volunteers, camping is available at many sites near the village, a bedroll and sleeping bag are minimum kit. The nights are starting to get cold at MardiGrass so make sure you bring warm clothing and whatever else you need in case it rains.

Jobs are varied, and according to the needs of the moment. They can include fence and barricade construction, rubbish collection, erecting marquees and tents, setting up stages, constructing big joints, and anything else that needs to be done to make MardiGrass happen successfully.


For the first time this year, the Nimbin Agricultural and Industrial Society (A&I) plan to open the showground for camping and parking for the MardiGrass weekend, which is May 3 & 4. The A & I don’t get the Government grants they used to get and urgently need funds to maintain the place. They can also help minimise the impact of so many visitors to the village over the big weekend.

They are offering $20 per head campsites for the weekend, with toilets and showers, or $5 per day secure parking for day visitors. Their volunteers will be camped there for the weekend to keep an eye out, as well as cooking country breakfasts with bacon and egg rolls a specialty.

It is now too late to book by sending a $50 money order to the MOB,(MardiGrass Organising Body),PO Box 177, Nimbin, 2480. $50 secures you an all weekend entry to MardiGrass and a campsite at the showground. We will keep a register and when you arrive at the showground your pass and site will be given to you.

Camping ground opens Thursday. If you want camping with hot showers arrive early. There will still be plenty of other camping, but with cold showers or none...

For further information;

Hemp Embassy 0266 891842



Please don't join the HEMP Party unless you are willing to confirm your membership to AEC officials on the phone. If you are unfindable or unwilling to confirm membership, don't join, because it stuffs it up for the rest of us. Sorry, but that's how it works. Give us as many ways to contact you as possible to make it easier to confirm your membership with the AEC.


M*U*N*C*H (Monitoring*Unfair*Nimbin*Cannabis*Hype!)

We need licensed non-stoners with vehicles to be the M*U*N*C*H vehicles, which will patrol the approach roads to Nimbin making sure police don’t turn people away from the MardiGrass like they did in 2006, saying “Nimbin is full, turn around and go home!” and observe police behaviour generally. Our fleet of M*U*N*C*H vehicles will be monitoring any unfair Nimbin Cannabis Hype and measuring Omega 3, 6 and 9 levels to make sure you are a healthy driver with a good singing voice. Hemp Seedcake, a winner at the last Nimbin Show, will be provided for those without a glossy coat. Healthy drivers equal better drivers.

Try a Hemp Bar today!

Please remember to respect this village that allows this festival, and try to conduct yourself as a true ambassador for HEMP. Do not give our opponents free ammunition through bad behaviour. The whole world is watching, possibly when you least expect it.... Be your best self. Peace.

Please do NOT block driveways when parking your vehicle!

The Jungle Patrol, the parking attendants, all the people doing the work that make it possible, they are all VOLUNTEERS, so please try to help them to help you.

Chill Out Zones: So far, Peace Park and Town Hall


We have a proposal for an annual grower's cup possibly held late June or early July to allow grower's a bit of time post harvest to prepare and select their best.

Organic only? Different Categories? Rules on how to determine categories? What if its organically grown under lights?

Judging criteria ideas so far include entries and equivalent guests; minimal weight ten grams, no maximum. All unused bud returned to grower, all donations gratefully received! The time and location for a meeting to discuss this idea of an National Aussie Cup is understandably a bit vague but keep your ears to the ground at MardiGrass!!

How To Make Cannabis Legal

420 Video Competition

We would like as many video-witnesses as possible to encourage the peace.

MAY 3rd & 4th, 2008

Growing aHead!


Industrial HEMP Expo, Medicinal Cannabis Info, Ganja Faeries, BIG JOINT, KOMBI KONVOY, “Just Say Know” Forum, Parade Float Competition, Rainbow Lane Market, Photo and Video Competitions, local musicians, PotArt Competition, street theatre, live HEMP web-cam, Dealer Of The Year Award, Cannabis Cup, Pickers Ball, HEMP OLYMPIX and more!!!


Dutchies CafeDon't forget the core event, 2.30pm Sunday - Cannabis Law Reform Rally and Parade.

Don't miss Dutchies Café (Official Hemp Embassy Cafe) next to the Stage in Peace Park!

LANTERN WORKSHOP: Graeme Dunstan will be making a small number of lanterns to light up the MardiGrass. Help needed. An hour or two or a day or three. From 10 am Tuesday 28 April. Contact Graeme 0407 951 688. Graeme will be in the car park next to the Post Office with PeaceBus.

HEMP EXPO includes hempseed meal, hemp plastics and hemp clothing, hemp cosmetics, hemp oil, hemp paper, hemp bricks, hemp building products and anything else that is made from the versatile cannabis plant.

MardiGrass Industrial Hemp Forum - Hemp paper making, hemp plastic products and hemp-lime building technologies will be demonstrated during the weekend.

Beyond Prohibition Workshop - Special guests: Dr Alex Wodak (Director, Alcohol & Drug Service, St Vincent's Hospital), Professor Paul Wilson (Chair of Criminology, Bond University), Ed Rosenthal (USA Medical Cannabis Activist), Steve Bolt (Solicitor and author of a number of publications on drug laws and drug policy).

MardiGrass Market open all weekend, Bubblehash Demonstration, Seed Swap, Oasis Comedy Café, Cannabis Cup, Pickers Ball in the Town Hall Friday.

Jamming and Drumming Space outside the NRMA. Join in the spirit!

Joint Jester 2008Cannabis Cup Raffle - You must have a ticket, be there, and have a valid armband in order to be eligible.

NIMBIN CANNABIS ACADEMY OTYAs (Of The Year Awards) including: Best Dealer (DOTYA), Best Attitude, Best Cannabis Costume, Best Banner, Best Placard, Best Busker, Best Humour and Best Whatever....

JUNGLE PATROL NEEDS YOU. First Aid Training will be offered free and locals are encouraged to be leaders in this field. Jungle Patrol operates from Friday 8am through to early Monday morning and people are urged to sign up for two four hours shifts .Sign up at the Hemp Embassy or for further info call Heidi 0266897589. Be warned: the T shirt is pale pink, with a purple logo. If you are here the Thursday before you could do Red Cross Save A Mate Training. Jungle Patrol Orientation Meeting 5:00pm Bowling Club Thursday 1st May

Ganja FaerieGanja Faeries on Parade - Aspiring Ganja Faeries need to be in Nimbin the week before MardiGrass in order to join in learning the dance steps for the Parade Performance. Ask at the Oasis Cafe. If you cannot, then you can still dress as a Ganja Faerie and march in the parade, just not dance in the dance troupe. This year’s parade organisers would love to once again create two percussion groups for this parade. We envisage one small group of drummers - the Ganja Faerie Drummers moving with the Faeries, whilst the Hemp Drummers line the street creating a guard of percussion and energy. The parade moves through with the Hemp Drummers falling into the Parade at the end, creating a dynamic and powerful finale at the end of the parade to keep the energy up and moving. The Ganja Faeries Drummers who have been working with the Faeries are already organised but we would love all other musos and drummers to be part of this other incredible percussion force.

"Hello Ganja Faeries! Yes, that means you! If you come to march at the annual MardiGrass Cannabis Law Reform March and Rally, and you can dance, you’re one of us!

We’re a bunch of friends who start getting ready each year around March or April for the MardiGrass, the first weekend in May. The common thread is green, in all its shades, in all our styles. Ganja Faeries are all different but the same. We create dance steps for the grand parade where we can be a sea of green moving in rhythm to the drums. We sew our costumes and make them wilder every year.

One week before MardiGrass we hold a dance workshop where we show all the new ganja faeries the steps and inspire them to wear costumes. We do it again the day before the parade (Saturday arvo) to make sure everyone knows which way to go when. It’s lots of fun but you need to be fit because on the day it’s a long way to dance and frolic and make lots of noise from the police station down the hill to Peace Park and you’ll probably be stoned as well. Water is essential. Dropping out is not an option. Ganja Faeries go to the end. So come and practice!

Workshops will be held at the Nimbin Community Centre dance studio the Saturday a week before MardiGrass, then the Saturday before the parade, in the afternoons. If you are already in Nimbin rehearsals are held at 5:30pm on Wednesdays. Meet at the Spangled Drongo restaurant / Oasis café across the road from the Dance Studio at the north end of town."

13 signifies cannabis userMardiGrass Comedy Club, the traditional night of laughs that will once again turn the Oasis Café in Nimbin into Humour Central on both Saturday and Sunday nights as our local funnyman S Sorrensen leads the charge into the annual investigation into life, hemp, Nimbin and beyond. (Is there life beyond Nimbin? Yes. Sort of.)
S will be ably assisted by his comrade in comedy, Alan Glover. (Alan and S also do the commentary for the Hemp Olympics - a sporting event to rival the Chinese version. And no Tibetans trying to put out the torch will be shot.)
Featured comedians this year include Steve Allison from the Gold Coast, Nick Johns from the land of the long white cloud and the divine Divishti (from Venus).
The MardiGrass Comedy Club sets sail for laugh land Saturday and Sunday nights from 9pm.

Holy Smoke Communion -with Hempseed Balls and the Goddess of the Church of the HolySmoke.

CWA - Cooking With Attitude, Rainbow Market, Pickers Ball, Pot Art Exhibition, Pot Art Tattoo Show, Dance for Cannabis Law Reform.

KOMBI KONVOY -arrives in Nimbin at 4:20pm on Saturday.


Sponsored for 2008 by Bringabong

. Bong Throw & Yell - where entrants throw a bong full of stinking bong water as far as humanly possible whilst yelling “Free the Weed” or something similar.
Growers Ironperson Event -involves lugging a sack of fertilizer and buckets of water around the simulated planting area obstacle course with a tick and leech infested lantana tunnel. The men’s event is a 40kg sack while the women contend with an 20kg sack. The top five crawl into the final. A disclaimer must be signed to compete in this endurance event.

Joint Rolling
The joint must burn from one end to the other. The categories are as follows:

1. Speed Roll - Roll a standard three paper joint as fast as you can. The three fastest go into the finals. Joints must include a cardboard filter, or will be judged incomplete. If this custom is alien to you, consult a local professional before the event.
2. Artistic Roll - Roll the most beautiful joint within ten minutes with as many papers as you like. The three best examples enter the finals.
3. Roll in the Dark - Athletes are blindfolded.
4. Adverse Conditions Roll - Dependent on weather conditions on the day and the judges’ creativity.
5. Seed Sorting -You have to get the “seeds” out of the “mull” faster than anyone else. How fast are you?

You could win a Bling Medal at the HEMP OLYMPIX!

Inflatable Joint

We've created the world's biggest vapouriser bag, cunningly disguised as the new lighter meaner more portable Big Joint. Its in the march this year, and while there is a team working to create a traditional bamboo and canvas Big Joint, will it be ready in time? See the new rapid deployment model at this year's MardiGrass.

If you need a Big Joint overnight .... who you gonna call?

Check out the 2NimFM radio podcast site at This site includes podcasts of many of the 2NimFM radio programs broadcast during last MardiGrass. They will be recording events over this MardiGrass and posting new material as it comes in.

Nim-FMWhile at MardiGrass, Tune your FM radio to Nimbin's own NIM FM 102.3, broadcasting and interviewing live from venues around the village.


29th April 2008: Police are now seeking a Magistrates order under 1943 Restricted Premises Act to close Hemp Bar and Museum for the MardiGrass weekend.

Let's Roll!

Stoned CrowFRIDAY
May 2nd

10:00am - Town Hall Information Booth opens
All MardiGrass Passes Available Here!
Join HEMP Party!
Do the anonymous cannabis user's survey!

4:20pm - Web Cam Broadcast begins at the H*E*M*P*Bar : includes Church of the Holy Smoke MardiGrass Blessing with the sacrificial $US100 note lighting the joint on the very moment of 4:20.

Sunset - Opening Ceremony - In Allsop Park with music till the Hemp Olympix Torch Bearer arrives from the South with the Eternal Flame For The Victims Of Prohibition, then Welcome to Country by the Bundjalung Elders and you can expect the odd surprise, a minute's silence for all Victims of Prohibition, a MardiGrass Rasta Anthem by George Scott and friends followed by fire dancing in the park .

Town Hall - Picker's Ball;
MC * Maxx

Hemp Fashion show and Ganja Faerie Burlesque between bands.

6.30 Jiggi Verandah Band with Keith Bolton
7.30 Volcanic Plug
8.30 Mona Lizard
9.30 Zennith
10.30 Diana Anaid
11.15 Maxx Mango and The Beautiful Buds

Other Roadside Attractions:

Nimbin Hotel : Food, drink, and live entertainment:
Spoonbill - (from Melbourne) - 7.30pm

Bowlo: Food, drink, and live entertainment

Regional Gallery (Opposite Oasis) * Pot Art

Bush Theatre * Music, Woodstock Movies and Chill Space, Movies and Music programme

Birth and Beyond * Environment Centre presents Earth First Films * follow the lights. All weekend. Back verandah quiet space for Mothers and babies.

Drumming Space * outside the NRMA. Join in the spirit!

Roll On!

May 3rd

Peace Park:

4:20am to Dawn * Mahawana Sunrise Meditation

10.30am * Industrial Hemp Forum - chaired by Dr Keith Bolton, with Klara Marosszeky, Martin Ernegg of Zelfo and more Hemp Expo Tent. Hemp paper making, hemp plastic products and hemp-lime building technologies will be demonstrated during the weekend. There will be six speakers on various aspects of industrial hemp uses, followed by a half hour of Q&A.

11:30 * Hemp Olympix registration

12:00 - 2:00 * Hemp Olympix First heats of the Bong Throw and Yell, followed by the Growers Ironperson Event. Hosted by S Sorrensen and Alan Glover.

12:00 * Dutchies Café (Official Hemp Embassy Cafe) next to the Stage * Cooking with Cannabis …Medicinal Cannabis Classes with the Ganga Faeries….

Magic of MardiGrass1:00 pm * Medican Tent * Talk to Kog about the spiritual side of growing marijuana.

Do you believe in a higher power that can help you grow a successful crop?

Talk to Kog about how the Plantem helped him grow his latest crop,
after the Plantem had died.

2:00 pm * Medican Tent * Bubblehash and Vaporiser Demonstration

2:00 pm * Diana Anaid, five time ARIA nominee and Nimbin’s own acoustic queen, fresh from showcasing in the US, will perform her new single for peace, to be recorded for her new CD.

( Children come to the microphones at the front, below the stage)



2:45 pm *Pot Poetry - David Hallett and Robin ‘Archie’ Archbold

3:00 pm * Hemp Olympix Joint Rolling : Speed, Artistic and Adverse Conditions.

3:00 pm *Medican Tent * Medical Cannabis Q & A, Share Experiences

4.15pm * Church of The Holy Smoke Mass Baptism with Her Holiness The Goddess

4:20 pm * World Record Attempt for greatest number of joints simultaneously rolled and lit at an event, followed by * Hemp Olympix Tug O' Peace with the Knights of the Black Grail team pulling against the NimFM Hemp Hour hosts team.


Harvest Ball - Peace Park Concert for Cannabis Law Reform
On the stage
5:00 pm * ShivaRa
5.30 * Ariel
6.00 * Dick Desert
7.00 * Budah Hills
7.30 * The ReMains
8.30 * Essie Thomas
9.00 * Bertha Control
10.00 * Essie Thomas
10.30 * Zennith.

Town Hall:
Chill Zone, to include Cannabis Law Reform Workshop, Movies, Music, Food, Peace & Quiet in the Garden at least.

12:00 * Legal Advice Session with Steve Bolt. All students of law welcome to participate.

1:00 pm * MardiGrass Beyond Prohibition Workshop - Special guests: Dr Alex Wodak (Director, Alcohol & Drug Service, St Vincent's Hospital), Professor Paul Wilson (Chair of Criminology, Bond University), Ed Rosenthal (USA Medical Cannabis Activist), Steve Bolt (Solicitor and author of a number of publications on drug laws and drug policy), and others.

3:00 pm * John Jiggens * Speaks on the "Origins of Marijuana Prohibition in Australia"

3:45 pm * Saliva Driver Testing Workshop. Yes we can test people, but the testing device costs $40.00!

5.00 pm * MardiGrass Soapbox 2010 * (we can’t wait for 2020!) ”Help shape the Nation,” as “send a bud to Rudd” said recently. Have your say on how you see the future for cannabis on the planet. Where do we go from today? Paper at Hall for Ideas!

7:00pm * Ed Rosenthal tells us the latest from the USA. Ed is a renowned long time medical cannabis activist and researcher.

9:00pm * Movies, to be announced.

If we get wet weather we will be moving the Harvest Ball from Peace Park to the Town Hall, and Ed's wisdom and the movies will move to Birth & Beyond.

Other Roadside Attractions:

4:20pm - Global Marijuana March at the H*E*M*P*Bar :

Kombi Konvoy4:20pm KOMBI KONVOY arrives in Nimbin, having wended its way from Byron Bay, via Lismore. Sponsored by Rvbyesque - Could people in the crowd please refrain from jumping on the back bumpers of Kombis as they pass through town, as it can damage the vehicles.

Birth and Beyond * Environment Centre presents Earth First Films * follow the lights. All weekend. Back verandah quiet space for Mothers and babies.

5:00 till 7:00 *BOWLO* Hemplore Pro Pot Art Tattoo Show (Register 12:00 to 4:45pm), with The Antibodies...

Museum * 1:00pm * Joint Rolling Classes

Nimbin Community Centre
MardiGrass Market Stage open all weekend: Stage with MC Bo Kaan,
10.00 Michelle Jeffrey solo singer/songwriter - Nimbin
10.45 Bo Kaan songwriter/one man band - Nimbin
11.15 Captain Reefer& the Conescrapers - Adelaide
12.00 The Pitts Comedy acrobatic show - S.W Tas
1.00 Dick Desert & the Shotgun Country Club - Brisbane
2.00 Whyte Zebra folk rock fusion Gladstone - Qld
3.00 Lunacy 3 piece contemporary rock - Uki
4.00 Hypernova High energy original rock - Brisbane
5.00 Paranoia Club hardcore punk politics - Sydney
6.00 Buffalo Pig Deadly,Burdett & Donato.R - Nimbin
7.00 Fricken Hecks just back from a world tour - Brisbane
8.00 Grasshopper reggae,roots til stumps - Rainbow region

Bush Theatre * Music, Woodstock Movies and Chill Space, Movies and Music programme

Nimbin Regional Gallery (Opposite Oasis Cafe)
Pot Art - Elspeth and Helen will be receiving entries the week before, at the Gallery.

Nimbin Hotel: Food, drink, and live entertainment
Greg Sheehan and Rhythmland - 1.30-5pm
Tijuana Cartel -

Drumming Space * outside the NRMA. Join in the spirit!

Black Yard * Goori Stage behind the Museum, with Chai Tent * Performances by Nunukul Kunjeil, Spook, Bart Willoughby, Paranoia Club, Zennith ….

Rainbow Cafe * Food and Music.

S and Glover at work9:00 pm on... The Oasis Comedy Cafe ......hosted by S Sorrensen & Alan Glover, with Steve Allison from the Gold Coast, Nick Johns from the land of the long white cloud and the divine Divishti (from Venus).



Roll it up!

Stoned CrowsSUNDAY
May 4th

Town Hall:
Chill Zone, Forums, Movies, Music, Food, with Peace & Quiet in the Garden at least.

11:00 am * Legal Advice Session with Steve Bolt. All students of law welcome to participate.

12:00 pm till 2:00 pm * MardiGrass Beyond Prohibition Workshop - Special guests: Dr Alex Wodak (Director, Alcohol & Drug Service, St Vincent's Hospital), Professor Paul Wilson (Chair of Criminology, Bond University), Ed Rosenthal (USA Medical Cannabis Activist), Steve Bolt (Solicitor and author of a number of publications on drug laws and drug policy).

4:00 pm * Cannabis Cup Raffle drawn. You must have a ticket and have a valid armband in order to be eligible. Numbers drawn will be announced over the PA and will also be listed on a blackboard at the Town Hall Information Booth by 4pm.Only numbers will be called and listed, so don't lose your ticket/s.

5:00 pm * Joint Rolling Finals, followed by the inaugural Plantathlon Award for the best Hemp Olympix All-rounder, in memory of Chicken George, the recently passed Plantem.

7:00 pm * Talk by Ed Rosenthal, USA Medical Cannabis Activist.

Peace Park:
Dawn * Mahawana Sunrise Meditation

10.30am * Industrial Hemp Forum - chaired by Dr Keith Bolton, with Klara Marosszeky, Martin Ernegg of Zelfo and more Hemp Expo Tent. Hemp paper making, hemp plastic products and hemp-lime building technologies will be demonstrated during the weekend.

11:00 am * Seed Swap

11:30 * Hemp Olympix registration for Last Heats.

12:00 till 2:00 pm * Hemp Olympix [Last Heats and Finals] Growers Iron Person & Bong Throw and Yell.

12:00 * Dutchies Café (next to the Stage) * Cooking with Cannabis …Medicinal Cannabis Classes with the Ganga Faeries….

12:00 * Medican Tent * Bubblehash and Vaporiser Demonstration

1:00 pm * Medican Tent * Talk to Kog about the spiritual side of growing marijuana.
Do you believe in a higher power that can help you grow a successful crop?
Talk to Kog about how the Plantem helped him grow his latest crop,
after the Plantem had died.




2:00pm * Get ready for the MardiGrass Parade. If you want to be in it join us all at the top of Cecil Street where it meets Cullen Street, opposite the local Police Station. The march is the main event, so please come and join in.

This year for the first time, we have a Float Competition, sponsored by Happy High Herbs, but we're not talking motorised floats. Here's how they see it, and of course we would like it if there was an anti-prohibition theme to the "float".

If you have a float remember to arrive in time for pre-parade judging!


Float Competition

Height - Floats must not exceed 3.2 metres from “the road”.
Width - Must not exceed 2.4 metres wide.
Length - Should not exceed 4.2 metres long, however this is a bit flexible.
Floats must be peopled or green powered.
You will be given a competitor number at the beginning of the Parade. Floats may feature a single person or group, or may be a centrepiece of a larger on foot display.

These floats are our opportunity to present a powerful message to the outside world of both celebration and/or protest. Your float can express whatever you feel or want to share. We need floats and displays that reflect our area, our people, our pride and desires for the future, our fun and festivity.

Drug Law Reform is a major focus of this festival and we encourage all to have their say.


Judges will remain unknown until the day of the event. They will be women and men, and mostly not part of the Happy High Herb shop.

A 1-10 point score method will be adopted.

1. Judged pre-parade whilst assembling:
Use of recycled materials

2. Judging During Parade:
Function (Locomotion)
Message power
Overall effect
Crowd response

PRIZES will be presented to nominated heads of winning floats in Peace Park after the Rally. Contact Elizabeth for further details - 02 66797052



The Parade begins at 2:30pm and makes its way to the Rally in Peace Park. Sometimes the parade might stop while the Ganja Faeries up front do a brief performance. This keeps the parade from being too hasty and allows the crowd a better opportunity to take it all in. Everyone waits behind the BIG JOINT until the procession continues. No rush. Percussionists who have not been practicing with the Ganja Faerie troupe are asked to form a second Drumming Troupe, further back in the parade to provide a continuing accompaniment for the parade. The procession will eventually make its way to the Rally for Cannabis Law Reform in Peace Park.



At the end of the Parade we arrive in Peace Park for the Rally. There will be a minutes silence for the passing of the Plantem. A Gathering and Speeches follow, then the winning Cannabis Cup raffle numbers will be announced and Parade Float prizes awarded before Wild Marmalade take over the stage.

Speeches by Bundjalung Elders, Dr Alex Wodak and Professor Paul Wilson, Ed Rosenthal from California, Kog, Neil Pike, Ray and Elizabeth from Happy Herbal Highs, Steve Bolt and Lisa Yates.

"This is our sixteenth consecutive Rally for Cannabis Law Reform. We vowed to Rally every year on the first weekend of May until we are no longer criminals for using cannabis. The recent Nimbin police raids have highlighted their need to reconsider how their limited resources are spent. For over three decades they have been picking on the pot smokers in Nimbin with very expensive operations which have made little or no difference other than to create more young people with criminal records for life. Building more jails is clearly a primitive approach to what is obviously a health and social issue. There is little public support left in Nimbin for their hollow justifications for over policing cannabis. Surely by now they must realise there are more important things for them to do with their time." says our Michael.

MardiGrass Harvest Celebration * Wild Marmalade , Intergalactic Blues Mafia, and more..

Other Roadside Attractions:

Cannabis Cup * Somewhere, sometime tonight!

10:00am start *BOWLO* "Still Smokin" Triples Tournament, Prizes, $10 Light Lunch, and Dress Mufti.

Museum * 1:00pm * Joint Rolling Classes

Nimbin Community Centre
Aquarius Markets Stage MC Bo Kaan:
10.00 Healing Earth shanti easy listening 4piece - Nimbin
10.45 David Julian solo classical guitar - Nimbin
11.30 Special surprise guest
12.00 Songbird 2 soulfull singer/songwriters - Rainbow Region
12.45 Essie Thomas powerhouse singer/songwriter - Nimbin
1.30 Daddy Cool & Wren goodtime blues - Nimbin
2.15 The Parade/march stage closed
3.15 The Verandah Band local farmers folk 7 piece - Jiggi
4.00 Si Ma Sil roots reggae original 6 piece - Rainbow Region

Bush Theatre * Music, Woodstock Movies and Chill Space, Movies and Music programme

Oasis Cafe
* Comedy Cafe: hosted by S Sorrensen & Alan Glover, with Steve Allison from the Gold Coast, Nick Johns from the land of the long white cloud and the divine Divishti (from Venus).


Black Yard * Goori Stage all day behind the Museum with Chai Tent. MC Spooki - includes Corroboree by Nunukul Kunjeil at 1pm, Zennith workshop, Quandamooka Reggae Band, Bart Willoughby, Al Japaljarri’s Showband….

Drumming Space * outside the NRMA. Join in the spirit!

Birth and Beyond * Environment Centre presents Earth First Films * follow the lights. All weekend. Back verandah quiet space for Mothers and babies.

10:00 am * Barefoot Bowls at the Bowling Club

1:00 pm * Boogie Nites

Nimbin Hotel: Food, drink, and live entertainment
The Blue Skillet Rovers-1.30pm-5pm
Juke Baritone & the Swamp Dogs 7.30pm-11pm (touring from Sydney)

Nimbin's long delayed Skate Park is our nominated charity for 2008


Stoned Crows





Makers of the NEW 2008 Inflatable BIG Joint
Please visit our Blog site:-

Legal problem?
See Steve Bolt at

1/42 Woodlark St Lismore tel: 6621 2188

First appointment FREE if you remember to mention Mardi Grass!

Happy High Herbs Ad

Rvbyesque Ad

Susukka Ad

Rainbow Love is the little shop next to the Rainbow Cafe.


Spangled Drongo Ad

Bringabong Ad

Agung Ad

Aleda Ad

Alltribes Ad

The Prelude

The monumental hillocks, and the pomp
Is for both worlds, the living and the dead.
At other moments (for through that wide waste
Three summer days I roamed) where'er the Plain
Was figured o'er with circles, lines, or mounds,
That yet survive, a work, as some devine,
Shaped by the Druids, so to represent
Their knowledge of the heavens, and image forth
The constellations gently was I charmed
Into a waking dream, a reverie
That, with believing eyes, where'er I turned,
Beheld long bearded teachers, with white wands
Uplifted, pointing to the starry sky
Alternately, and plain below, white breath
Of music swayed their motions, and the waste
Rejoiced with them and me in those sweet sounds.

stoned high wasted bent blazed drugged ripped blitzed faded smashed munchied bombed blasted buzzed hammered lit mashed fried plastered toasted trashed smoked bombed gone intoxicated chronic

weed marijuana pot skunk hydro sativa indica bong billy cannabis bud ganja dope grass hookah chillum pipe blunt mary-jane mary-warner hash joint spliff reefer

smoke inhale toke suck



Industrial HEMP

Farmers in NSW going to pot
Date: April 9, 2008
Ben Cubby Environment Reporter

THE NSW Government has turned over a new leaf after decades of opposing commercial cannabis, revealing plans for a new scheme to grow the plant on an industrial scale. It will introduce legislation in weeks to allow farms to grow hemp, the fibres and oil of which can be used in food and clothes, biofuels and skin-care products. (see more)

Fantastic news! NSW catches up with other states. How long before hemp food products (hemp oil, hemp flour, etc) are listed by Food & Drugs as food products?

Features of Hemp Fibre
Pure hemp is an amazingly durable fabric. When washed it constantly reveals a new surface, becoming softer with use.
Hemp fabric rapidly absorbs moisture, which accounts for its coolness and comfort when used for clothing or bedding. Because of its strength when wet it does not weaken with washing. Canvas is hemp! (The term canvas describes the materials used to make the cloth and comes from the Arabic name for hemp - Cannabis)
Until recently whenever the word canvas was used, it referred only to hemp cloth.

Hemp is one of the oldest plants used by humans. It has been cultivated for thousands of years and hemp seeds have been found in archaeological excavations over much of the World.
Some of the oldest paper found in tombs in China was made from hemp fibre.
Hemp cloth has been found in the tombs of ancient Egypt.
Hemp ropes, cords and fabrics were essential to the early exploration of the World, providing ropes and sails for ships, shelter and clothing for settlers.

Hemp was, for centuries, essential to the economy of many countries.
In the United States of America, for 200 years, taxes could be paid in bales of hemp.
The first drafts of the American Constitution were written on hemp paper and William Shakespeare wrote on hemp.
Many famous artists painted on canvas (hemp).
Hemp is the longest and strongest natural plant fibre.
Hemp fibre is stronger when wet than when dry.
Hemp cloth is extremely hard wearing. It outwears cotton and other natural fibres. Hemp fabric improves with washing and wearing. Over time, hemp fabric becomes softer without losing its shape or appearance.

Medicinal Cannabis
A toke a day, keeps the Doctor away!

Cannabis helps with glaucoma, relieves migraine headaches, helps brain cells, can relieve skin diseases, helps ease asthma attacks, may block epileptic seizures, works as a back spasm medicine, treats depression and other mood disorders, may help emphysema patients to breathe better, alleviates pain associated with chemotherapy, has successfully reduced tumours (benign and malignant), can help multiple sclerosis patients control spasms, can easily be grown organically (free of toxic chemicals), assists in over coming insomnia, dilates the bronchi, to allow more oxygen into the blood, helps paraplegic and quadriplegic patients, may induce antibacterial effects, is the best way known to dry the mouth’s saliva in dentistry, relieves the pain of arthritis and rheumatism, alleviates the symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol and narcotics, hempseed oil has an omega-6:omega-3 ratio of about 4:1 and the seeds have essential amino acids in ideal proportions. Hempseed contains alpha-Linolenic Acid (18:3 omega-3), gamma-Linolenic Acid (18:3 omega-6) and Linoleic Acid (18:2 omega-6)

Hempseed Oil

Is the sale of hemp oil legal?
Yes. Hemp oil can be legally imported or pressed in Europe, and from imported, sterilized seeds in the USA and for external use only in Australia.

Does hemp oil make you high?
No. The meat of hemp seed does not contain the drug tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive substance in cannabis. Minute amounts of THC may be transferred from the flowers surrounding the leaves into the oil during pressing.
However, these trace amounts are, if seeds from low-THC varieties are used and properly cleaned, too low to have any psychoactive effects.

Can hemp oil be used for frying or deep-frying?
Better not. Unrefined hemp oil - just like olive oil - should not be used for high temperature or deep-frying. At high temperatures, unhealthy oxidation and polymerization products are formed from the unsaturated fatty acids. Furthermore, at temperatures approaching 400 F, undesirable trans-fatty acids are gradually formed. Quick sautéing is acceptable, yet care must be taken to keep the oil from smoking.
Flax oil is high in unsaturated essential fatty acids.

What is the benefit of hemp oil?
The ratio of the essential fatty acids (about three parts linoleic acid to one part alpha-linolenic acid) in hemp oil is favourable for the human body because it matches its nutritional requirements. Flax oil, despite its higher essential fatty acid content, has a less favourable ratio (1:5). Flax oil also does not contain gamma-linolenic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid, which is found abundantly in hemp oil.

Have food products from industrial hemp been approved for sale in Australia and New Zealand?

No. The application to approve the use of hemp-based foods is at the second stage in the approval process, namely, public consultation following completion of a draft risk assessment report by ANZFA. Following the 6-week consultation phase, the public comments will be addressed and, if necessary, the risk assessment report will be modified before being considered again by the ANZFA Board, and ultimately by the State, Territory and New Zealand Health Ministers for approval.

If they are approved, will hemp food products require special labelling?

Food ingredients must be declared in the statement of ingredients by the common name of the ingredient or a name that describes the true nature of the ingredient. If hemp is considered to be a characterising ingredient in the food, then the percentage of hemp in the food would also need to be declared.

It is also proposed that foods containing hemp must not be represented in a form that expressly or by implication suggests that the food has any properties associated with illicit drugs.

Are hemp-based products used in food elsewhere in the world?

Foods containing hemp and products derived from hemp are widely available in other countries in Europe and in the USA. In all cases, these products contain very low levels of THC. Australia and New Zealand are "dragging the chain".

“Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man’s appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes.” Abraham Lincoln

NIMBIN MardiGrass and Cannabis Law Reform Rally
2008 MAY 3rd & 4th

Stoned Crow


NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy - Poetry for the Head -

51 Cullen Street, Nimbin, NSW 2480.
Copyright © 2008 Nimbin HEMP Embassy.

Even the roos