Shane was born in Papua and raised in the Victorian bush as
part of a pioneering family in the 60’s. His love for
plants was fostered by his Mother’s passion for Botany
and Taxonomy. At 20 after a 3year stint in the army where he
was introduced to all things psychedelic, he seriously began
his exploration into the Mysteries of the Mind, Spirit and the
world around us. Whilst engaging in horticultural pursuits and
selling gyrocopters he married and started a family of 2 daughters.
For the next 15 years he wild harvested, grew and researched
plants for the wild flower trade which eventually led him into
the wholesale and export business. When the trade started waning,
Shane moved to Melbourne to attend the Australian College of
Natural Medicine, not only to understand healing but to also
delve into the cognitive and memory processes. During his 3
years of study Shane was reintroduced to the ancient Taoist
internal cultivation Arts (he began his practice in Sydney during
the 70’s) and researched the roots and fundamental Principals
of this shamanic worldview and its’ methods of harmonizing
ones self with creation. In 2004 he was introduced as a driver
to a touring Peruvian San Pedro and Ayahuasca practitioner in
Australia where he began his training and understanding of the
Plant Teachers. Later in that year Shane traveled to the Sacred
Valley in Peru with his teacher for further studies. After he
returned to Australia and started holding circles he was blessed
by spirit to meet his life partner and fellow medicine woman
Margaret at a healing weekend. They both returned to Peru in
2006 to attend the Ayahuasca Conference and partake in Medicine
work in the Sacred Valley. Together they have been learning
not only about the Medicine path but also the practice of common-law
and Sovereignty. They have been working together since 2005
to bring this most ancient sacred practice to the people of
Australia. He is currently on tour with his partner Margaret
as part of the Traveling Medicine Ceremony.