Our Mission: To bring about change by the most entertaining means possible.


NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation & Transport - Ganja Faeries
MardiGrass Weekend Passes and Camping - Nimbin HEMP Embassy
HEMP Party - Hemp Embassy Online Shop - Poetry for the Head


E-mail nimbinmardigrass@hempembassy.net

Last Update: April 17, 2014 4:33 PM



4:20 pm * The Global Marijuana March Where well over 1 million cannabis law reform activists in nearly 420 cities around the globe will be protesting. In Nimbin we will once again aim to break our world record for the most joints ever lit at once in the same place at the same time. Be smart and bring a "joint"!

After the last Kombi has passed, wait for the call and we will light up, and produce as much smoke as possible for the cameras recording the event.

Viva la Fume!

Everything you need to know about what we do at FourTwenty at MardiGrass.


Well, probably not absolutely everything, for example, I can't tell you where to source the cannabis that one needs to get the full experience of participating in the longest running 420 demonstration on planet Earth, but I can tell you all you need to know about the actual demonstration that takes place at 4.20 pm on a MardiGrass Saturday.

First thing you need to know is that the Nimbin 420 is part of a world wide Cannabis Demonstration that is taking place in over 388 cities on Saturday the 3rd of May 2014.. millions of smiling happy people out in the streets.... for real.

Max Stone, aka GaryBigBong, aka BigBong, aka BB is the man most responsible for the last fifteen FourTwenties at Mardigrass, BB picked 4:20 as the ideal time to 'light up' back in 1997 when he needed to find a time to do a regular live webcam smoking session and BB picked 4:20 because of the 42nessness of 4:20, 42 of course being the answer to the the BIG Question in the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.... What is the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? If you haven't read the book, you ought. I digress...

Quote from 1997 www.BigBong.org website...

“Whenever you light up your Big Bong Peace Pipe Scale model you become a component of a Multi Chambered Peace Pipe of Global Proportions. With each spin of the planet more and more Peace Pipes are being built, as the structure enlarges, the "View from the Moon" should be that of a wwwoven wwweb of peace pipe party nodes, a kinetic global sculpture. “

Anyway, looping back to the beginning of the 420 Demo, back to the 1999 MardiGrass which set the underground tone that has endured to this day, Max Stone usually high jacks the "Main Mardi Grass Speakers" at 4:15.40 and sounds the 4 minute 20 second "roll up" alert for the 4 20 Demonstration. In 1999 we handed out FREE Marijuana, over 200 all natural - all organic cannabis "space balls" each wrapped with a poem called FREE Marijuana. http://nimbinaustralia.com/mardigrass2000/freemarijuana.html

BB started to use the 'pen name' of Max Stone (the nonofficial smokesperson from the radical fringe of the Australian Cannabis Law Reform Movement = www.nimbinaustralia.com/aclrm) when he went (with the Big Joint) to the People's Drug Summit in the N.S.W Parliament’s back yard in 1999, a feature of which was a regular 420 light up where everyone was urged to think peace for pot and pot for peace. Anyway, a consequence of the drug summit was that a crew of activists resolved to create a Cannabis Cafe Demonstration Model to show the government (and all who entered) the reality of a Cannabis in a legal Cafe setting.

And so it came to be that in April of the year 2000, on the 20th, at 4:20 in the afternoon, the H*E*M*P Bar started what turned out to be an 8 year and four month long 'live to the web' political demonstration of recreational and medicinal marijuana use....


The H*E*M*P* in H*E*M*P* Bar stood for Help End Marijuana Prohibition and the H*E*M*P* BAR was never, a business in any real sense of the word. The H.E.M.P. Bar came about because of a need to find a new way to deal with Marijuana laws. From it's beginnings in 1999, the H*E*M*P* Bar evolved into a place where people who were truly interested in cannabis law reform could network and combine some of their favourite things, things like drinking coffee, smoking cannabis and talking about ways to Help End Marijuana Prohibition.

The Staff at the H*E*M*P*Bar were activists at the "pointy end" of cannabis law reform, headed up by Sam Sam (Do you have a vision) and backed up by Cannabis Dave and Max Stone, they saw the H*E*M*P*Bar as being an example of how things could be done, designed to show Mr and Mrs Public the reality of marijuana use; that it is a safe, social lubricant, much less disruptive than alcohol.

“In reality" we received heaps of support and positive feed back from more than 1,000,000 visitors from all walks of life, we sent millions and millions of images up to the web of real people using real cannabis, and not a single axe murder or other civil disturbance!

In 'real life', our Guest Books are bulging with the testimony of the effectiveness of our cannabis cafe model / cannabis law reform activist kiosk, over 8 years worth of cannabis users thoughts and experiences are recorded, and who can tell how many photos have been taken of us whilst we have been taking photographs of them with our web cameras, we have gigabytes of images saved on our hard drives. More than a DVD's worth!

On the live webcams you could always see people laughing, smiling and acting in a socially acceptable manner while under the influence of this social intoxicant. What you DID NOT see was the insanity, criminality and death alleged by the "Reefer Madness" movie nor did anyone ever see the violent behaviour as incited by alcohol and other chemicals/drugs.

We made a point of letting our patrons know that they were welcome to smoke cannabis in front of our web cams as their political statement that they believe cannabis use is socially acceptable.

For 8 years and 4 months the H*E*M*P*Bar played it's part in building up the "peace wave" that sweeps "mexican wave style" around earth "all day - every day" as citizens from all cultures on earth light up at 4:20. Yep, that's what 420 is really all about, joining a global celebration that is sending a smoke signal... "Pot for Peace and Peace for Pot"........

What the H*E*M*P*Bar did is still HIGHLY ILLEGAL, not wrong or evil, just illegal according to the law we are (still) trying to change... When the law is unjust, resistance is duty!

All good things come to an end....

Since the H*E*M*P*Bar has been closed, the 420 has morphed and moved out onto the main street, back out where it started, anonymously. Indeed, a very strong case could be made that the 420 at MardiGrass is one of the meme's of the occupy movement. The focus point of the Demonstration is the 420 Kombi, it is the axle around which the 420 spins, the object is to capture the reality of thousands of people demonstrating from as many viewpoints as possible, so make sure you got your camera rolling, you can be sure the POLITE Force cameras will be!!


If you haven't seen the youtubes of a 420 or if you haven't participated in a 420 before and/or this is the first time you ever heard of 420, the basic concept is to occupy the street for 4 minutes and 20 seconds, to sit shoulder to shoulder and side by side with ones fellow activists, to re-energize oneself for the upcoming year of cannabis activism... to demonstrate your belief that it is time to CHANGE THE LAW... to dream the dream …


“I dream that one day in the not so far off future, that everybody will be outside, in the streets, in every work place and outside every house at 4.20 in the afternoon, perhaps smoking pot, perhaps just thinking pot for peace and peace for earth as they stand barefoot in a garden. And on that day, at that time and from then on, our world will be at peace...

words assembled by www.rebelart.cyber-pod.com



NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation & Transport - Ganja Faeries
MardiGrass Weekend Passes and Camping - Nimbin HEMP Embassy
HEMP Party - Hemp Embassy Online Shop - Poetry for the Head

51 Cullen Street, Nimbin, NSW 2480.
Copyright � 2013 Nimbin MardiGrass Organising Body Polite Force Media Unit.