From 12pm Friday 4 May Until 2pm Sunday 6 May

@ Nimbin Town Hall and Indica Arena

About our Speakers

Link to Program


As usual MardiGrass offers full tilt ideas and education all weekend at this year’s HEMPOSIUM where we pull back the curtain to reveal creative and abundant places around the globe basking in the post-prohibition green glow. As Australia is just waking up to the benefits of medical cannabis, the MardiGrass HEMPOSIUM aims to inspire, as we learn and share knowledge about our favourite plant ally and healing herb.

There is an impressive line-up of speakers who will share their cannabis expertise and experiences, and reveal the gains made in both Australia, and throughout other cannabis loving communities around the planet. In 2018 we are excited to host expert speakers from North America, including Adela Falk & Dennis Boisvert from POW420 a Californian based advocacy group for cannabis offenders suffering life sentences in American prisons, as well as Dr Dave Allen, retired cardiac and trauma surgeon from the USA. Dr Dave considers the discovery of the Endocannabinoid Signaling System as the single most important medical advancement in human history. Returning Canadian WeedWoman, Ajia Mae Moon will share the possible highs and lows of pending legal recreational cannabis in Canada, and Mardigrass welcomes Julie Chiariello, co-owner of Skunk magazine, to her first visit to Nimbin.

From around Australia, we welcome experts and passionate educators for medical cannabis including United in Compassion’s Justin Sinclair, Dr Teresa Towpik [Medihuanna], Carol Ireland [Epilepsy Action Australia], Deb Lynch [Medical Cannabis Users Association], Todd Subritzky [National Drug Research Institute], Martin Williams [Psychedelic Research in Science & Medicine], and Ray Thorpe [Happy Herb Company].

We are excited to announce an outstanding line-up of Australian based cannabis advocates: Dr Deb Waldron, Jenny Hallam, Michael Lambert, and Karen, Belinda, Deb, and Gail [Canna Nannas] as well as families from the medical cannabis community. Barrister, author and political commentator, Greg Barns will speak on current legal issues.  Politicians joining us include: Derryn Hinch [Justice Party], Greens Mehreen Faruqi and David Shoebridge, and Fiona Patten [Reason Party].

This years Mardigrass HEMP Tent will promote global & local hemp solutions for medicine, food and industry featuring: Klara Marosszeky [Australian Hemp Masonry Company], Keith Bolton [EcoTeam], Martin Ernegg [Hemp Fibre Fusion], Andrew Kavasilas [HEMP Party], Dolph Cook [Australian Cannabis University], sustainability advocate, Dan Atkins, Wadzy (Wayne Wadsworth) [Health Farms International], Gerald Taylor [The Hemp Club], and WA based hemp farmer Glen Ossy-Orley. Kog and Malcolm will host Grower’s and Breeder’s circles, and Rayman will astound with a super heath session on raw cannabis juicing. 

The Hemp Embassy’s Medical Cannabis workshops held in Nimbin over the last three years have attracted large numbers of the newly emerging and increasingly visible Australian cannabis demographic – families with extremely ill children, and people dealing with chronic pain and often terminal illness. The HEMPOSIUM will include real world stories from the Australian medical cannabis community, including families whose lives have changed dramatically for the better thanks to medical cannabis.

It’s time this magnificent herb was welcomed into mainstream Australian life, and the persecution and prejudice to stop. Medical cannabis has been a growing international phenomenon over the last few decades, and Australia is only now starting to catch on and catch up. The HEMPOSIUM aims to expand the mind as much as that special weed herself, and is a space to inform, learn, agitate, inspire and connect in this massively important green revolution. Come help us OVERGROW THE GOVERNMENT!

Check out the Hemposium programs from the last few years:

2017 Hemposium

2016 Hemposium

2015 Hemposium

2014 Plant Freedom Forum

2013 MardiGrass Mind Candy

2012 MardiGrass Mind Candy

2011 MardiGrass Mind Candy