Friday 30 April to Sunday 2 May

@ Nimbin Town Hall & Garden, and Indica Arena

About our Speakers


Link to Town Hall Program

Link to Healer’s Tent Program

Link to Chai n Vibes Tent Program

Link to Industrial Hemp Expo


2021 MardiGrass will be an all Aussie affair showcasing an amazing collection of Cannabis experts across medical, industrial, politics, culture and more! Join us to learn and share knowledge about our favourite plant ally and healing herb. MardiGrass is an extraordinary chance to share and learn. A Weed University weekend, you might say.

In 2021 we are excited to host four Australian legal cannabis doctors to discuss legal medicine versus illegal. How would our outdoor organic homegrown “bush weed”, as we call it, match up against the fancy indoor grown imported cannacorp weed? Are distillates and isolates any match for whole plant extracts? What ailments are doctors having the most success with using cannabis?

Professor Kylie O’Brien has been leading doctor education in medicinal cannabis in Australia, and set up the pathway for doctors to apply to become authorised prescribers of medicinal cannabis under the TGA Scheme. Dr John Teh, from PlantMed Medicinal Cannabis, is an avid organic farmer and permaculture expert, so treatment with natural whole plant products in conjunction with conventional medical treatment has always been a top personal priority. Dr Teresa Towpick, Medical Director MediHuanna, will speak about her recent personal health journey, ‘’Cancer my greatest teacher” during MardiGrass. Dr Towpik is very concerned about the unfair laws on driving and wants to encourage the general public to facilitate change in a peaceful and assertive way. Dr Jamie Rickord, Medical Director Ananda Clinics, focuses on endocannabinoid medicine and developing new models to encourage healing and wellbeing. And revisiting MardiGrass, we welcome back verteran law reform campaigners, Dr Andrew Katelaris and Dr Deb Waldron.

Ex magistrate David Heilpern is returning to MardiGrass to chair a Q & A on drug driving and explore how we find our way past this massive roadblock. Sure, mediweed is legal, if you can afford it, but you’re not allowed to drive a car. Nothing is more infuriating than unfair drug driving rules which have nothing to do with impairment but just the presence of minute traces of THC. Serious bullying.

Politics is also on the agenda for MardiGrass 2021 with Fiona Patten from the Reason Party in Victoria and Cate Faehrmann from the NSW Greens discussing their efforts in raising Cannabis Bills within their respective states. The HEMP Party and Legalise Cannabis are joining forces at MardiGrass to register Legalise Cannabis State parties across the country.

Legendary Tony Bower from Mullaways Medical Cannabis returns to MardiGrass this year after his court cases and so does Steve Bolt is coming for Legal Advice, while Ray Thorpe founder of Happy High Herbs will participate in the isolates versus whole plant debate. As well as hemp superfood cooking demos, we’re excited to announce a book launch of Eve Sinton’s new edition of the weed classic: Australian Cannabis Cookbook.

This year’s Mardigrass HEMP Expo will promote global & local hemp solutions for medicine, food and industry featuring: Martin Ernegg workshops on hempstone, weedblock, and building native beehives, and learn how to make stone-age tools out of hemp with The Hemp Club! On Sunday, Kog and will share the truth about cultivating Cannabis at his annual Grower’s circle while Malcolm Lee will rove around breeding, gardening and healing.

MardiGrass will also focus this year on the difficulties Veterans are having finding access to medical cannabis. There is a shocking suicide problem happening amongst their ranks and Cannabis seems to help enormously with PTSD, depression and anxiety problems. This is the issue that may well push President Biden to legalise cannabis across America federally later this year. A gathering of Vets telling their stories will be documented over the weekend.

To round off MardiGrass and to provide a forum to one of the most important issues for journalistic freedom against serious tyranny, John Shipton, Julian Assange’s father, will speak in the Town Hall at 6pm on Sunday 2 May.

The Hemp Embassy’s Medical Cannabis workshops held in Nimbin over the last four years have attracted large numbers of the newly emerging and increasingly visible Australian cannabis demographic – families with extremely ill children, and people dealing with chronic pain and often terminal illness. The HEMPOSIUM will include real world stories from the Australian medical cannabis community, including families whose lives have changed dramatically for the better thanks to medical cannabis.

It’s time this magnificent herb was welcomed into mainstream Australian life, and the persecution and prejudice to stop. Medical cannabis has been a growing international phenomenon over the last few decades, and Australia is only now starting to catch on and catch up. The HEMPOSIUM aims to expand the mind as much as that special weed herself, and is a space to inform, learn, agitate, inspire and connect in this massively important green revolution. Join the GREEN VEST MOVEMENT and help us OVERGROW THE GOVERNMENT!

Check out the Hemposium programs from the last 10 years:

2019 Hemposium

2018 Hemposium

2017 Hemposium

2016 Hemposium

2015 Hemposium

2014 Plant Freedom Forum

2013 MardiGrass Mind Candy

2012 MardiGrass Mind Candy

2011 MardiGrass Mind Candy