hemposium 2


FRIDAY 5 MAY @ Nimbin Town Hall

1 pm : Michael Balderstone & Miss Guidance, Nimbin Hemp Embassy

Topic: Cannabis Adventures on the Left Coast
About: A visit to Vancouver Canada for a cannabis cup, followed by a study tour of the legal recreational cannabis world in two American states: Portland Oregon and Seattle Washington, including a visit to the Nimbin Pot Shop in Seattle.

2 pm : Andrew Kavasilas, Australian HEMP Party

Topic: Interim Measures on Cannabis for medical purposes in Australia
About: Options for the development of Interim Measures in relation to the use of Cannabis for medical purposes in Australia.

2.30 pm : Ajia Mae Moon, Twelve High Chicks, Vancouver BC, Canada

Topic: Protecting your family while fighting for your freedom - what you need to know
While laws governing the use and sale of marijuana are loosening, prohibition remains extremely harmful to families through continued persecution and discrimination .

3 pm : Arik Reiss, Film maker Druglawed

Topic: The Pathologisation of Cannabis Use in the Mainstream Media
About: Arik will discuss media representations of cannabis and how mainstream perspectives based on “pathology” or “otherness” frame much of the public discourse. He will suggest ways to rectify these misrepresentations to create a more favourable image and thereby improve the possibilities of changing drug policies.

4 pm : Rob Laurie, Ad Lucem Law Canada

Topic: Considering the Importance of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to Cannabis Legalization in Canada, Do Australians Need a Charter of their own?
About: Robert will discuss the important history of Canadian cannabis legalization efforts with a focus on constitutional litigation in Canada utilizing Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. With a specific focus on Charter litigation involving Section 7, the Right to Life, Liberty and Security of the Person, he will provide an overview of the cannabis case law that has laid the ground work for Canadian legalization (aka Prohibition 2.0). Robert will also consider the new Bill C-51 (The Cannabis Act), setting out the restrictive legal framework for growing and producing cannabis, and make the argument that Australia adopt their own Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

5 pm : David Shoebridge, Greens MLC NSW

Topic: NSW Police resources wasted on the War on Drugs
About: A look at how taxpayer money is spent on drug policing in NSW, including drug dogs, roadside drug testing, and the “dob in a dealer” campaign, and how that money could be spent more effectively.


SATURDAY 6 MAY @ Nimbin Town Hall

10.45 am : Michael Balderstone, Nimbin HEMP Embassy
Hemposium Welcome!

11 am : Stories from the Medical Cannabis Community

AboutMedicinal cannabis families tell their stories about treating illnesses including epilepsy, cancer and post-traumatic stress disorder. Hosted by Tony Barry
Speakers include: Lyn & Malcolm Amundsen, Jenny Hallam, Rebecca Houghton [Weeded Warrior], Carol Ireland [Epilepsy Action Australia], Michael Lambert, Steve Strong

12.30 pm : Arik Reiss, Film maker Druglawed

Topic: Screening of “Druglawed 2: Scientist and Q&A; with film maker.
About: “Druglawed 2: Scientist” details the life and work of pioneering Israeli chemist Professor Raphael Mechoulam, who discovered the molecular structure of cannabis in 1964. He has been at the forefront of cannabis research for over half a century and has blazed a trail for Israel to have the largest state-sponsored medical cannabis program in the world. The production visits Israeli hospitals, nursing homes and clinics, where cannabis is dispensed to 25,000 registered patients nationwide. We also access secret high security cannabis facilities where the plants are grown on an industrial scale. This is a fascinating and deeply personal exposé of the future of cannabis medicine, seen through the lens of a living legend.

1 pm : Sita von Windheim, CannaMed Canada

Topic: Roots – Extraction Process, Use And Cautions
About: Extraction demonstration, and discussion of the variety of uses and health benefits of cannabis roots.

2 pm : Carl Martel, Canada

Topic: Hemp Biomass as Activated Material for Electricity Storage
About: The motivation for developing this kind of material is to create a more environmentally friendly electricity storage device. The mining of minerals for metals used for making present storage devices are a finite resource, energy intensive and some would argue polluting. An alternative approach is to grow some if not all the necessary components to create these storage devices. This presentation will try to demonstrate that this potential exists.

2.30 pm Dr David Bearman, Physician, Expert Witness & Author, California USA

Topic: Cannabis and Cancer
About: Here’s the Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells Story

Followed by book signing session

6 pm : How do we get politicians to take cannabis law reform seriously?

About: Panel discussion Hosted by Steve Bolt
Speakers include: Damon Adams [Weeded Warrior], Glenn Druery [Political Strategist], Derryn Hinch [Justice Party Senator Victoria], Andrew Kavasilas [HEMP Party], Fiona Patten [Sex Party MLC Victoria], David Shoebridge [Greens MLC NSW]


SATURDAY 6 MAY @ Disco Sista’s Tent, Indica Arena

12 pm : Dr David Bearman, Physician, Expert Witness & Author, California USA

Topic: Cannabinoids PTSD, ADHD and Beyond: A Clinicians Effort to Understand the Brain
About: Some thoughts on why cannabinoids work for PTSD, ADHD, and Endocannabinoid Deficiency conditions.

1 pm : Michael Harding & Brooke Vogler, Weeded Warrior

Topic: Cannabis, PTSD and Veterans with Purpose
About: Michael, Brooke and other Weeded Warriors will share their experiences of what cannabis has done in managing their service related injuries. There is far more to the story than just getting “high”!

2 pm : Damon Adams, Weeded Warrior

Topic: Veterans, emergency service personnel, and PTSD. What needs to happen
About: Veterans and emergency service personnel are subjected to the highest rate of suicides in the workforce. High PTSD and mental health issues are an outcome of the type of work performed, with many being prescribed anxiety/depression pills, as well as self medicating with alcohol and other illicit drugs. Cannabis can not only treat the symptoms of PTSD and other mental health issues, it can be an exit drug for those currently dependent on pharma options. This session will discuss what can be done to make cannabis accessible for those that need it, from both grassroots and political directions.

2.30 - 4 pm : Medican Q&A; with healers and experts

About: Information exchange, networking and sharing space for medican families and community. Hosted by Dr Deb Waldron

Speakers include: Lyn & Malcolm Amundsen, Tony Bower [Mullaways Medical Cannabis], Bec Bridson, Nikki Freeburn, Jenny Hallam, Gail Hester [Medical Cannabis Users Association], Rebecca Houghton [Weeded Warrior], Carol Ireland [Epilepsy Action Australia], Dr Andrew Katelaris, Michael Lambert, Ajia Mae Moon [Twelve High Chicks, Canada], Michelle Whitelaw, Sita von Windheim [CannaMed, Canada]


SATURDAY 6 MAY @ Indica Arena ~ IMF Hemp Tent

This years Mardigrass Hemp (IMF) Industrial, Medical, Food Tent will promote global & local hemp solutions for (IMF) Industry, Medical and Food use. Our highly experienced Hempies have had many years of experience in developing all things HEMP!

10 am - 4 pm : Martin Ernegg, Hemp Fibre Fusion

Workshop: Hemp Bead Molding
About: Come and create your own pieces of art and jewellery and experience the world of nanotechnology with inventor Martin Ernegg. $20 per person all materials and tuition!  

Link to HISTORY of the hemp nano fibre molding Matrix

10 30 am Radha Rene, Love Hemp

Topic: Developing Small Hemp Businesses In Australia
About: Radha has developed a small hemp food and hemp products businesses in Mullumbimby Australia. Radha started her small business a couple of years ago called “Love Hemp”. She sells hemp oil, hemp protein and other health and beauty products grown and made in Australia. Radha will talk of her experience in developing a small ethical hemp business that promotes Australian grown and processed HEMP.

11am Binnah Pownall

Topic: Hemp Building in Australia
About: Binnah has been involved with the Hemp industry in all its facets for many years. He has worked with Klara Morosszeky in teaching and developing hemp building in Australia. Binnah will present an exposé of hemp building, past and present. If you want to build a house of Hemp don’t miss this talk!

11-30am Dolph Cook, Charmaster

Topic: Hemp Biochar, Hemp Farming & Hemp University
About: Dolph is a passionate advocate of Hemp and Biochar, which he produces from hemp and other woody weedy material. Dolph grows Industrial Hemp on his farm at Kunghur near Nimbin. Dolph will give his experience of developing hemp farming and the importance of Biochar for happy health hemp plants. Dolph will also talk about his vision for a Hemp University.

12 pm Martin Ernegg, Hemp Fibre Fusion

Topic:  Super Strong Hemp Products….. Just add water!
About: Martin is the developer and inventor of Hemp Fusion (Nano technology) a system that uses only Hemp and Water to create amazingly super strong environment friendly materials in Mullumbimby Australia. Martin currently makes Musical Instruments, jewellery and furniture that are eco friendly and fully recyclable. Martin will talk on developing his materials for a wide range of industrial uses for carbon neutral global friendly consumer goods that even help to reverse Greenhouse! Martin will also be doing continuous hemp bead work shops on Saturday and Sunday, 10 am till 4pm.  Make your own hemp art and jewellery $20 includes all materials and tuition!  

12-30 pm Carl Martel

Topic:  Canadian Hemp Farmer and developer of Industrial Hemp Products
About: Carl has had many years of experience in the hemp industry and has developed hemp vanishes, paints, plastics and is currently working on Hemp masonry and building products. Carl is also working on Hemp based Graphene which is 100s of times stronger than steel, flexible and can carry electrical current very efficiently. Graphene is the next revolution in renewable materials it will be used to vastly improving solar energy and battery storage systems …. And grown from HEMP, rather than mined from Mother Earth. Carl will also be doing education and workshops with Martin.

1 pm Dr Deb

Topic:  Medical Cannabis
Dr Deb will talk on the many uses for Medical Cannabis. Dr Deb is a survivor of Cancer and has studied medical cannabis extensively.

1.30 pm Paul Taylor, Trust Nature & Ben Grose, Levi Foundation

Topic:  Healthy Soils Health Plants Healthy People
Paul Taylor has had over 40 years experience in organic farming. Paul teaches farmers and gardeners how to make nutritional mineral rich highly productive organic soils. He also designs farms and teachers Permaculture. Paul will tell you how to make Numero Uno soils to grow nice healthy hemp. Ben Grose is a young passionate farmer and soil builder, and will host the Health Soils talk. Hemp is a bio accumulator. Using Petrochemical to grow hemp poisons people! So learn how to grow happy healthy hemp and keep your customers happy and healthy.

2 pm Wadzy (Wayne Wadsworth), Health Farms International, & Glen Ossy-Orley, Hemp Farmer Western Australia

Topic:  Cannabis Co-op’s, Health Farms Reversing Greenhouse!
Wadzy & Glen will talk and present their experience of Hemp farming and the need for Cooperation in developing all things hemp in Australia. Wadzy will talk on the need for a National Cannabis Co-op “CC” to help develop (IMF) Industrial Medical and Food businesses from hemp. Wadzy has had many years of experience in the hemp industry. He has done marketing and selling of hemp products, helped other people set up hemp businesses and is currently Nimbin’s biggest (legal) hemp grower. Wadzy has also had many years experience setting up Permaculture systems most notably the “Eco Centro Waste to Wealth System” in the Maldives where he developed integrated systems for cleaning up Mother Earth & Reversing Greenhouse Glen Ossy Orley is WA’s biggest hemp farmer. Glen has had many years experience with the beautiful and intelligent plant and is passionate about educating people for all things hemp!

2-30 pm : Melting POT Q&A;

Join the presenters in an hour-long melting POT Q&A; on all things HEMP. Hemp, Cannabis, marijuana, Pot call it what you like, is the most deaminised plant on our little space ship, planet Earth. 80 + years of conspiracy lies and propaganda are rapidly coming to an end! Yes the Berlin Wall is well and truly crack potted! Come along educate yourself and give it another KICK! Join the melting POT Q&A.;


SUNDAY 7 MAY @ Nimbin Town Hall

10.30 am : Steve Bolt, Solicitor and Author

About: Legal Advice including Roadside Drug Testing and Medicinal Cannabis

12 pm : Is it time for an Australian Charter of Rights?

About: Panel discussion hosted by Steve Bolt
Speakers include: Derryn Hinch [Justice Party Senator Victoria], Andrew Kavasilas [HEMP Party], Rob Laurie [Ad Lucem Law, Canada], David Leyonhjelm [Liberal Democrats Senator], Fiona Patten [Sex Party MLC Victoria], David Shoebridge [Greens MLC NSW]

1 pm : David Shoebridge, Greens MLC NSW

Topic: Your rights with police – how to stay out of trouble and hold them to account
About: A workshop canvassing police powers, advice on how to deal with them in different situations such as a personal search or roadside drug testing, and how to make a complaint.


SUNDAY 7 MAY @ Disco Sista’s Tent, Indica Arena

12 pm : Kog’s Grower’s Circle

About: Kog shares the Truth about Cannabis. Author of Marijuana: A Grower’s Lot

1 pm : Sita von Windheim, CannaMed Canada

Topic: Benefits and Use of Cannabis Infused Suppositories
About: This presentation aims to educate about the advantages associated with cannabis infused suppositories, and provide a simple set of guidelines for their effective use.


SUNDAY 7 MAY @ HEMP IMF Tent, Indica Arena

10 am - 2 pm : Martin Ernegg, Hemp Fibre Fusion

Workshop: Hemp Bead Molding
About: Come and create your own pieces of art and experience the world of nanotechnology with inventor Martin Ernegg. $20 per person all materials included.

Link to HISTORY of the hemp nano fibre molding Matrix

11 am - 1 pm : Make your own herbal medicines

Mystery Guests POT luck!

1 pm : Dolph Cook, Charmaster

Topic: Hemp Farming, Biochar, Hemp University

1.30 pm : Carl Martel

Topic: Industrial Hemp Products: Plastics, Paints, Building products, Graphene