Hemposium Town Hall

16 September

Opening Protest

Opening Ceremony

Hemp Bar

Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Nimbin Street Drummers

Roadside Attractions

17 September



Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Sativa Stadium

Kombi Konvoy & 420

Roadside Attractions

18 September

Law Reform Parade & Rally



Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Sativa Stadium

Roadside Attractions



Nimbin Town Hall

Michael Balderstone, Nimbin HEMP Embassy
Hemposium Welcome!


10 am : Cannabis Laws and Legislation

Speaker: Steve Bolt, Solicitor & Author, and David Shoebridge, NSW Greens MP
About: From strip searches at festivals and your friendly sniffers dogs, to medical cannabis being the only prescribed medicine which makes it illegal to drive, join Steve and David for a journey into many cruel and unusual laws running rampant in contemporary Oz.

11.30 am : Cannabis in the NSW Parliament

Speaker: Cate Faehrmann, NSW Greens MLC
About: Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and drug law reform spokesperson talks about her campaigns to bring cannabis law reform to the NSW Parliament including legislation to establish a legal cannabis market and to protect medicinal cannabis users from Mobile Drug Testing and how we can make cannabis a key issue in the upcoming state election. 

12.15 pm : Drug law reform in the ACT - where we’ve come from and where we’re going.

Speaker: Michael Pettersson, ACT Labor MLA
About: Cannabis law reform achievements in ACT and ongoing issues yet to tackle. Future plan to decriminalise small amounts of other illicit drugs.

1 pm : Consumer perspectives on medical cannabis: findings of the CAMS20 national survey

Speaker: Prof Nick Lintzeris, South East Sydney Local Health District
About: Whilst there has been a marked increase in people accessing prescribed medicinal cannabis in Australia, many people continue to use non-prescribed cannabis products for health reasons. The Cannabis as Medicine Survey 20 is the third consumer survey undertaken to examine consumer perspectives of using medical cannabis in Australia, and for the first time (compared to 2016 and 2018 surveys), we saw a significant number (38% of 1600 respondents) report using prescribed products. The paper will present changes in medical cannabis use over the three surveys, examine differences between prescribed versus non-prescribed cannabis treatment (conditions treated, demographics, cannabis products), and provide an overview of consumer perspectives on barriers to medicinal cannabis treatment, and preferred models of care in Australia.

1.45 pm : Medicinal Cannabis and Integrative Cancer Management: What’s the Scientific Evidence?

Speaker: Professor Kylie O’Brien PhD
About: Surveys indicate that people with cancer are using cannabis. However, what is the evidence that cannabis is efficacious? In this presentation, Professor Kylie O’Brien will discuss the scientific evidence that cannabis, and some of its key constituents including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) may have a role to play in the integrative management of cancer.

2.30 pm : Roadside Drug Testing Panel

Facilitator: David Heilpern

  • Dr Tom Arkell, Swinburne University
  • Steve Bolt, solicitor
  • Cate Faehrmann, NSW Greens MLC
  • Bee Mohamed, Drive Change Campaign Coordinator
  • Michael Petterson, ACT Labor MLA

Gather in Cullen Street!

4 pm  Break for Kombi Konvoy & 420 Smoke-In

Gather in Cullen Street!

6 pm : Weed Politics - Who is doing What?

Facilitator: Dr Brian Walker, WA Legalise Cannabis MLC

  • Cate Faehrmann, NSW Greens MLC
  • Sophia Moermond, WA Legalise Cannabis MLC
  • Fiona Patten, VIC Reason MLC
  • Michael Petterson, ACT Labor MLA
  • David Shoebridge, Greens Senator

