Nimbin Town Hall Saturday

16 September

Opening Protest

Opening Ceremony

Hemp Bar

Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Nimbin Street Drummers

Roadside Attractions

17 September



Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Sativa Stadium

Kombi Konvoy & 420

Roadside Attractions

18 September

Law Reform Parade & Rally



Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Sativa Stadium

Roadside Attractions


Nimbin Town Hall

This venue features the MardiGrass Info Booth, Hemposium conference, Hemp Olympix, as well as cabaret, comedy and music, along with talks and films in the garden. The Town Hall Cafe on the Town Hall verandah is open all weekend serving healthy meals, local coffee and homemade hempseed cakes.

10 am - 4 pm: Hemposium Conference

We are pleased to present some first class educational and thought provoking action at the 30th MardiGrass Hemposium. Talks, workshops, demos and forums on cannabis law reform, medicine, industry, science, culture, and history.

Link to Program ~ Link to Speakers

4 pm Break for Kombi Konvoy & 420 Smoke-In

Gather in Cullen Street!


5 pm : HEMP Olympix Joint Rolling First Heats

Must burn from one end to another!

6 pm : Weed Politics Panel – Who is doing What?

Facilitator: Dr Brian Walker, WA Legalise Cannabis MLC

  • Cate Faehrmann, NSW Greens MLC
  • Sophia Moermond, WA Legalise Cannabis MLC
  • Fiona Patten, VIC Reason MLC
  • Michael Petterson, ACT Labor MLA
  • David Shoebridge, Greens Senator

7.30 pm : MardiGrass Comedy Show – Roll up and laugh

One of the great traditions of MardiGrass over the last few decades is the MardiGrass Comedy Show on the Saturday night (this year it’s September 17) at Nimbin School of Arts hall.

Hosted by comedians and cannabis supporters Alan Glover and S Sorrensen, The MardiGrass Comedy Show has has maintained a constant high of hilarity over the years, showcasing the comedic talents of many of Australia’s finest stand-up comedians, who reflect back to the audience the fun and importance of the MardiGrass event, as well as the ridiculousness of the current NSW cannabis laws.

This year’s show will feature Fiona McGary. She lives on the Gold Coast, but does not wear diamante-encrusted sandals. She’s different. Fiona’s comedy will put you at ease, loosen you up, draw you expectantly close – and then throw you back in your seat with laughter. Hailing from the Byron Bay, where healing crystals trump diamantes, Paul McMahon explores the lifestyles of hippies, and shines a light on our floundering world. Paul is the polite, quietly spoken guy-next-door who says what he really thinks on stage and will be at his belly-laughing best at the MardiGrass Comedy Show.

Link to Comedian Bios

10 pm : Planter’s Ball

Line up TBA

