Sunday Town Hall Garden

16 September

Opening Protest

Opening Ceremony

Hemp Bar

Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Nimbin Street Drummers

Roadside Attractions

17 September



Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Sativa Stadium

Kombi Konvoy & 420

Roadside Attractions

18 September

Law Reform Parade & Rally



Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Sativa Stadium

Roadside Attractions



Town Hall Garden

11 am : Hemp for Pets

Speakers: Moonshadow and furry friends
About: The pros and cons of THC, and what CBD can do for animals, when treating cancer. Frances will also discuss the importance of diet  and cannabis.

11.45 am : Endocannabinoid System and Homeostasis

Speakers: Dr Jamie Rickcord, Ananda Clinics
About: The endocannabinoid system and homeostasis; why cannabinoids maybe essential for optimal human functioning.

12.30 pm : Ask the Doctor

Speaker: Dr John Teh, Medical Director, Plantmed
About: Bring all your questions about medical Cannabis.

2 pm Break for MardiGrass Parade & Rally

Gather in Cullen Street!

6 pm : Documentary - “MardiGrass-30 Years of Protest for Cannabis Law Reform”

The Cannabis Broadcasting Network’s [CBN] full-length feature documentary was created to celebrate the 30th birthday of MardiGrass and what’s been achieved during the past three decades.
