16 September
17 September
18 September
Town Hall Garden
11 am : Hemp for Pets
Speakers: Moonshadow and furry friends
About: The pros and cons of THC, and what CBD can do for animals, when treating cancer. Frances will also discuss the importance of diet and cannabis.
11.45 am : Endocannabinoid System and Homeostasis
Speakers: Dr Jamie Rickcord, Ananda Clinics
About: The endocannabinoid system and homeostasis; why cannabinoids maybe essential for optimal human functioning.
12.30 pm : Ask the Doctor
Speaker: Dr John Teh, Medical Director, Plantmed
About: Bring all your questions about medical Cannabis.
2 pm Break for MardiGrass Parade & Rally
Gather in Cullen Street!
6 pm : Documentary - “MardiGrass-30 Years of Protest for Cannabis Law Reform”
The Cannabis Broadcasting Network’s [CBN] full-length feature documentary was created to celebrate the 30th birthday of MardiGrass and what’s been achieved during the past three decades.