

Cannabis Law Reform
Rally & Parade

Opening Ceremony

Tug O’ Drug War

Kombi Konvoy

Global Marijuana

Ganja Faeries

Polite Squad

Other Rallies


12 pm Saturday 17 September @ Sativa Stadium

2022 Hemp Olympix kick off with the

Tug O’ Drug Peace

Green Market versus Black Market
with the Big Hemp Rope!

Sadly the police have declined our invitation to compete in this famous event in 2022. Well, it is a bit embarrassing to keep losing to the stoners! Maybe they’ll change their mind, but if not, we’ll have a battle between those who smoke with spin, and those who toke straight. In past years, the Hemp Rope Tug-O-Drug War featured the Police versus Polite. At one particularly memorable MardiGrass,  the Police fooled us by turning up an hour late by which time our star performers had got distracted and wandered off. The police subsequently soundly beat our weakened team which was hastily scratched up from the crowd and included children! We’re not proud!
