The MardiGrass Rally
Sunday 6th May 1pm,
Starts at Cecil Street (assembly High Noon), pays a traditional call at the police station, meanders down Cullen St, past a web cam or two, squeezes through the Sibly St Markets and finally arrives at Peace Park.

PARADE and Rally is the MAIN EVENT @
Join in and be counted!          
End Cannabis Prohibition!           Change the Laws!

This year's parade will be lead by one hundred Ganga Fairies and feature an international joint section. As the Victorian police have severely Boggarted "The Big Joint" (the Melbourne office of the Hemp Embassy's legal department is pursuing the matter), the now Heritage Listed "Old Big Joint" will once more grace the streets of Nimbin.

The MardiGrass workshop has been flat out producing banners and flags and joints to make this years parade even more colourful than before and you will be able to wwwacth the whole thing in the window below.

The rally ends at Peace Park. Guest speakers include Lee Rhiannon - Greens MLC, Pete Brady - international activist and photo-journalist, Steve Bolt - Northern Rivers legal Service, Richard Jones - Independant MLC with M.C. Lisa Yeates.

"Bad Laws Exist When Good People Do Nothing" (plantem)


Webgreetings webTV User, unfortunately U can't see the webshow, and whilst I believe we should be fixing the problem, not fixing the blame, the simple truth is that webTV can't receive the web cam images yet, let's both hope the dudes at Web TV manage to catch up to the rest of the wwworld real soon ;O)--~

BE THERE, or see it in the square.