On Sunday morning catch the Hemp Olympix second heats and don't miss the Seed swap and "clone the clone" (details at the info stall in front of the Nimbin hall or the Hemp Embassy). High Noon join the Mardi Grass rally and parade as it carries the Big joint from the showground gates to Peace Park stage for our National Cannabis Law Reform Rally.

Hemp Olympix, 1st and 2nd heats Saturday and Sunday, Finals on Sunday at 3pm Events include Joint rolling, (atrtistic and speed), Growers Iron Person event, a marathon around a simulated planting area obstacle course with leech infested lantana tunnel, Bong throw and Yell and new this year Hemp Stalk Javelin.

Dutchies Cafe and Peace Park Stage, Coffee shop, local art and craft, whole food munchies, shade and shelter, front row seats for the Hemp Olympix and funky live music saturday and Sunday nights till late. Bands include, (Saturday) Ragweed, Stokholme open, Isis, Polluted Paris, and Dealers. (sunday) Solkin, Nat & Carlo, 1, Go, Pagan Love Cult Inc.

Industrial Hemp Expo check out the hemp bricks and the amazing POTential of hemp products.

4:20 MMMM The march of a thousand joints starts outside the Hemp Embassy (b.y.o.j.) at 4:00pm and marches in solidarity with over 150 cities worldwide ending at Peace Park for the dance of a thousand lighters.

Walk through Sibley Street Markets to Peace Park.

Click here for large version of map   :O)



Mardi Grass Opening Ceremony  HIGH NOON

Hemp Olympix first heats 12:30pm

  MMMMarch lights up 4:20

Peace Park Stage live bands till late

Dutchies Cafe till late

Hemp Expo all day


Hemp Olympix second heats 9:30am

Seed Swap swap seeds 11:00am

Clone the clone clone the Clone 12:00pm

Cannabis Law Reform Rally
"Freedom Of Choice"
Hemp Olympix FINALS 3:00pm

Peace Park Stage
live bands till late

Dutchies Cafe till late

Hemp Expo all day

