Nimbin MardiGrass 2004

Cannabis Law Reform Rally

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Music AwardsMusic Awards





Nimbin's annual MardiGrass is full of originality and this year visitors can hear the global voice of marijuana music at the first ever Marijuana Music Awards.

"As far as we know, this is the first of its kind" said Tam, from Nimbin's Rainbow Cafe. Heats for Best Live Performance will be held at the world famous cafe in the heart of the village at 11am, 2pm and 5pm on Saturday, 1 May. "Already many bookings have been taken," said Tam, one of the
organisers and creators of the event. "However we expect most people to come and enter on the day. It's $10 per song and you can enter many times if you want. All entry fees go back to the winners, as well as many other prizes".

Winners of each heat on Saturday will be decided by a panel of judges who also take into account audience appreciation. The three winners will perform after the Rally on Sunday with the crowd deciding the gold medallist.

The winner of the recorded Marijuana Music Award has probably already been decided but also won't be announced until the Rally. Entries closed on April 2 to give a panel of North Coast judges plenty of time to decide.
Entrants for best recorded track included musicians from the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, in total there were 37 entries.

Michael Balderstone from the Nimbin HEMP Embassy, co-ordinators of MardiGrass said "One of the joys of this annual festival is you never quite know what you're going to get in the mix until the time comes, but this new event has sparked a lot of interest and I'm sure it will be in the program
every year now".

"Just how much of our music in the last forty years has come from people who inhaled? Or should we ask, how much didn't?" he asked.

The internationally popular twelfth Nimbin MardiGrass and Cannabis Law Reform Weekend kicks off next Friday evening at sunset and has a packed program throughout the May1 and 2 weekend. Up to 10,000 people are expected to attend and visitors are asked to be mindful of their impact on the tiny village, home of the endangered species, hippie.

For Marijuana Music Awards call Tam at the Rainbow Cafe 02 6689 1997

All other information

nimbin HEMP embassy
51 Cullen St
Nimbin NSW 2480
ph/fax 02 6689 1842

Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - nimbin HEMP embassy
Nimbin Mardi Grass
Copyright � 2004 Nimbin HEMP Embassy