
Nimbin MardiGrass

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Cannabis Law Reform Rally

NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy

Last Update: May 2, 2006 11:34 PM

Hello again from Advanced Nutrients. We would like to take this time to thank the Hemp Embassy for the wonderful opportunity to help sponsor this great event this year. Thanks to all for the great time at last year’s Mardigrass. It was an event to be remembered forever. We hope that this year’s event is even better! For all of you that did not come down to our tent last year to get samples of our fertilizers, make sure you do this year. We would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate the two finalists in last year’s Nimbin Cup that won the trophies using Advanced Nutrients. In the last year alone in Australia, Canada, the United States, Amsterdam, and France there were 11 different cups won by growers using Advanced Nutrients world wide. That’s more trophies than any other fertilizer company has ever been able to lay claim to. At Advanced Nutrients, we don’t just help you grow plants, we help you grow trophy-winning gardens. If you want to join the ranks of the world’s top growers, then get yourself some Advanced Nutrients today and see the results for yourself.

In the last year, some repressive laws have been formed while some bad laws and initiatives have been defeated. As the power struggle seems endless, so is the science of medical cannabis. The only saving grace is that there has been far too many scientific advancements that even Big Brother cannot argue with. It seems at this point, that the War on Cannabis has become a war of attrition between all of us and Big Brother’s army of the blind and ignorant. Remember that this war will be won by winning a series of battles and will not be won overnight. Have faith my friends. Despite a resurgence of archaic anti-cannabis thinking, there have been great advancements in many regions of the world concerning Cannabis laws. All of these advancements are a result of many people working together on a common goal for the better of mankind, thereby lessening Big Brother’s ability to dictate to us what we can and can’t grow! In many Countries, there have been numerous scientific breakthroughs that prove indisputably that Cannabis has countless medical benefits and uses. This research has allowed many State and Federal laws to be turned around to the benefit of the people. Even in the US, with its conservative dictator George Bush, nearly one fourth of the states have Medical Cannabis state laws. If this kind of perseverance and progress is possible in the US, then it is possible anywhere!

Here in Australia, we have seen many different phases of the federal and state government’s involvement in our lives. Currently, it seems that Big Brother wants more laws, taxes, and fines than ever before. Not to mention the continually shrinking amount of privacy laws that are being taken away from us all. The one thing that they tend to forget is the power of the people. As a collective group, we have the ability to change the unfounded laws that hold us back. What it takes is cooperation by a community of dedicated individuals. In other words, “think nationally and act locally”. You can help make a difference in our laws by calling or writing your local representatives and getting involved directly with local law reform groups in your area. If you find that there isn’t a local law reform group in your area, then start one yourself with your like-minded friends! Get in touch with your local and national representatives offices and tell them that you want to see true medical cannabis legislation come into effect now! You cannot sit back and wait for someone to do this for you. If you do not speak and act out, then there will be no end to these repressive laws and the tragedies that they impose.

So, you may be thinking: what benefits can medical cannabis have for me? Well, let me break it down for you in such a simplistic way that even Big Brother himself will grasp the concept. Today’s world is the age of pharmaceutical companies making record profits from pills constantly being developed for everything and anything including pills to compensate for the side effects of other pills. I ask why do we the consumers need all of these pills? I am grateful for many of these pharmaceuticals as they do have a role in responsible medicine, but the market for unnecessary pills grows bigger all the time. We already have a benign natural medicine that has been on this planet since the beginning of time and which humans have known and used since our earliest recorded history. Whether you realize it or not, if you smoke cannabis, there is probable already a medical reason that you smoke cannabis. You do not have to have HIV, Cancer, Glaucoma, or any terminal wasting syndrome disease to gain the medical benefits of cannabis. You may use it simply for relief from stress. Don’t forget, stress is one of the biggest contributors to almost every ailment on the planet and stress related illnesses leading to death are cataloged in every medical journal in the world. There are currently hundreds of pills on the market for stress or anxiety reduction. If smoking a joint keeps you from stressing your way into ulcers or high blood pressure, then is this not medicine? If smoking a joint helps you focus your overactive mind (ADHD&ADD), is that not better than taking an amphetamine-based drug? If smoking a joint helps you get some sleep, is that not better than taking one of the hundreds of sleeping pills on the market that you are sure to develop a dependency on? If smoking a joint helps you gain some self confidence and helps you deal with depressive tendencies, is this not better than taking one of the thousands of anti-depressants that are on the market that are sure to impact your life and your families life in a negative way causing you to begin the downward spiral into the “Pharmaceutical Highway to Hell”. So again, I ask what part of this commonplace cannabis use is not medically beneficial?

In wasting syndrome diseases such as HIV & Cancer, the nausea inherent in the pills taken by patients frequently leads to death long before the disease itself would have taken the patient. The simple remedy to rid yourself of the nausea is to use cannabis. Nausea causes people not to eat which then leads to lack of nutrition. As Mum always said, you have to eat well when you’re sick even if you don’t want to. If you do not have the proper nutrition your body requires, you will not have the fuel to fix what is bad. The connection between cannabis use and appetite is as apparent as the sun in a desert. Nausea also leads to lack of sleep in many cases which causes lack of rest and repair in your body. Without rest, your body cannot repair itself. Our bodies are amazing biological machines, but when there is a short circuit, it is just that. Your body can take care of itself and fix those short circuits most of the time. All you have to do is give yourself the nutrition and rest that it needs to do so. For other issues and ailments, we are fortunate to have some of these pharmaceutical medicines to help. But we are equally fortunate to have Mother Earth’s medicine as well. Many of the disease fighting medicines on the market today are truly nothing short of a miracle breakthrough in modern science and these are the type of medicines that the pharmaceutical giants should be focused on. So why not combine the best of Mother Nature’s medicine and the best of modern science? We would be extremely foolish to overlook the benefits of medical cannabis use in modern therapies.

We at Advanced Nutrients have found that optimum plant nutrition requires a combination of modern fertilizer science and organic components for best results. This is true as well for modern treatments of serious diseases. If you ask any doctor willing to tell you the truth, they will tell you that most of the terminal patients that are dying before their time are suffering from the nausea that these otherwise wonderful disease fighting drugs are causing. So hopefully, you can now see that there are medical benefits from Cannabis for a myriad of major and minor problems that you may not even realize you have. Regardless of the reason that you use Cannabis, I hope that you can begin to realize that Cannabis use, no matter how “recreational” it may seem, is almost always based on a medically relevant foundation.

We here at Advanced Nutrients have been hard at work guaranteeing that the science portion of the battle has been making giant leaps and bounds of progress in order to ensure that all of your plants grow bigger and better no matter what you are growing. In the last year, we have come out with 5 new products that are plant specific, innovative, and superlative in comparison to any other products on the international market. These products are sure to be a hit with indoor and outdoor growers alike. Advanced Nutrients is the only company that has formulated a fertilizer program that has addressed all aspects of the growing and flowering cycle for optimum results in quality and yield. If you are looking for the highest quality in medical grade plants or the best vegetable crop your eyes have ever seen, the choice is simple. You could add up all of the research and development of every other fertilizer company combined and yet it would not begin to compare to the amount of R&D that Advanced Nutrients has done. With 5 Ph.D. plant scientists on staff, the sky is the limit as to what we can accomplish. We will continue to source the best materials from the farthest corners of the earth and find the best science staff and equipment that money can buy. With this much dedication to quality, you can rest assured that the results you get from our fertilizers will be the best that money can buy.

Many manufacturers want to sell you a fertilizer that is mostly water, so that you will go through it faster and subsequently buy more fertilizer. Our Sensi Grow A&B and Sensi Bloom A&B two part base fertilizer is the most complex and concentrated product of its kind on the international market today. But don’t take our word for it -- come on by the tent today and get a sample for yourself. We also have samples of our flowering enhancements Carbo Load, Big Bud, and Bud Blood as well. Feel free to come by and talk to our friendly helpful staff and ask them questions on how you can improve your yields and increase the quality of your crops.

Again, I would like to thank the Hemp Embassy for their continued support of the cannabis cause and their undying love for the movement. We also would like to thank the entire town of Nimbin for putting on such a successful event this year and we hope that you all enjoy yourselves. Once again, don’t forget to come by our tent and see us even if it’s just to say G’day.

NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy

51 Cullen Street, Nimbin, NSW 2480.
Copyright � 2005 Nimbin HEMP Embassy.