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Cannabis Law Reform Rally

NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy

Last Update: April 26, 2006 0:43 AM

End Cannabis Prohibition Now

John Kaye
Legislative Council Candidate
The Greens NSW
14 April 2006

Best wishes to participants in Mardi Grass 2007. Have a happy and enlightening time in lovely Nimbin. I’m looking forward to joining you for the celebrations.

On behalf of the Greens I appreciate the opportunity to discuss the Greens work to end prohibition and to gain respect for the rights of informed adult users to make choices about their lives.

Recognising the social, human, political and economic damage done by prohibition and the failure of current laws to protect the safety and well being of users and the wider society, we have worked hard to have drug consumption treated as a health and social issue and not as a matter of criminal penalties.

We believe that current laws on cannabis are dangerous and irrational. They compromise the civil rights of users and the public and they impede access to counselling and health services.

The Greens have campaigned against the use of sniffer dogs in public places and the harassment of rural residents by drug helicopters. We have argued for the removal of criminal sanctions for the possession and growth of cannabis for personal use and for a regulated approach to the supply of cannabis.

We have also advocated for medicinal and industrial uses of cannabis.

Governments at all levels are now seeking short term political gain by exploiting community ignorance of hemp and its effects on users. There is a growing need to refocus the debate away from law enforcement options and onto harm minimisation polices and the protection of civil and human rights.

The Greens have suffered constant attacks at every election for our commitment to drug law reform. We have stood up to these attacks and rejected the idea that the Howard government or the Murdoch media should dictate policy through fear and ignorance

The Greens NSW are committed to ensuring that drug policies are based on evidence and that we should repeal criminal sanctions for the possession or use of cannabis.

John Kaye: John is number two on the Greens ticket for the Upper House (Legislative Council) in the 2007 NSW state election. He is an electrical engineer with 30 years experience in university teaching, consulting and research in infrastructure planning, renewable energy and climate change solutions. For the past 8 years John has also been the Greens NSW education spokesperson, where he has been an effective voice for public schools, universities and TAFE colleges. John was the Greens NSW senate candidate in 2004 and a long time advocate of drug law reform.

For more information: John Kaye 0407 195 455 or

NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy

51 Cullen Street, Nimbin, NSW 2480.
Copyright � 2005 Nimbin HEMP Embassy.