
Nimbin MardiGrass

Saturday 6th of May

Sunday 7th of May


E-mail Nimbin MardiGrass


Cannabis Law Reform Rally

NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy

Last Update: April 24, 2006 6:24 PM

Dr Carol de Launey

Dr Carol de Launey has university degrees in Psychology (with Honours), Business, and Cultural Studies. Her PhD thesis investigated Nimbin’s so-called ‘drug problem’ and included a door-to-door survey of Nimbin’s drug use and opinions about drugs. She currently works part time at Southern Cross University, and is widely published on topics that include Nimbin’s cannabis culture, the ethics of research into illegal activities, cannabis crop growers, and the real value of a cannabis plant. Her most recent work is a book chapter on the MardiGrass, and currently she and Michael Balderstone are jointly researching ‘dealing’. Carol has been using cannabis for about 30 years.

Northern Star

Dear Ed
I refer to recent NS headlines regarding the upcoming MardiGrass. Firstly, I acknowledge that the interviewed officers may have been asked loaded questions. However, I wish to make a few pertinent points in this endless debate:
The police service should not claim community support if they don’t have it/can’t prove it. I remember the infamous El Dockin operation in Nimbin where senior police spokesmen claimed community support. My household survey of Nimbin (answered by 8 out of every 10 households) indicated that the local community most assuredly did not support those police activities. My finding were supported by the numerous complaints to the Ombudsman, and to the media (including the NS), and by an article published at the time in a law journal (The Death of Community Policing by a local lawyer). The police then claimed support from local businesses, but that was quickly disputed when the Chamber of Commerce surveyed Nimbin businesses, who almost unanimously called for police to be ‘less heavy-handed’.
Furthermore, most Australians don’t particularly care about pot smokers either (eg see the Aus gvt’s National Drug Strategy household surveys). We have quite a list of crimes that do concern us, notably child abuse in all its forms, all crimes of violence, property crime, etc. The NSW Police Service should adjust its priorities to better reflect community concerns. Perhaps packing a tiny village with up to 10,000 happy revellers is a nuisance to some, but it is not a crime. There is no doubt that trips to the north coast, motel stays, and easy targets are a soft policing option, but they cost taxpayers’ money, and utilize officers and other resources that would be better spent tackling serious crime. Aside from some pot smoking, the crime rate is low or nonexistent during the festival despite the thousands of visitors.
Finally, the MardiGrass is an established, major Australian festival. It is much more than a drug protest rally. It is a celebration by the alternative culture who settled, and forever changed, the north coast of NSW. Cannabis is symbolic of much that distinguished the ‘new settlers’ from the established farming community, and it was always their weak spot. Because it was an integral part of the counter-culture cannabis made the ‘damned hippies’ an easy target during police operations that often escalated into Drug Wars (eg who remembers the skull & crossbones on the police helicopter? the grandmothers carted off the multiple occupancy for a couple of plants? .. for those who don’t remember, the NS covered it all in the 70s, 80s & 90s). And one only has to attend a MardiGrass today to see the culture on parade—they dress up as fairies and plants, put on face paint, play lots of musical instruments, display their arts and crafts, and generally enjoy themselves whilst spreading values of peace, tolerance, sustainability .. in fact pretty much what they first did in 1973 at the Aquarius festival, except that they keep their clothes on.
So for heavens sake, readjust priorities and allocate resources where the community wants them. As an alternative to drug wars against largely law-abiding and productive communities, police should be trained in, and rewarded with promotions for, their community policing activities; community policing involves law enforcement officers working with communities, in a partnership, to address each community’s specific local concerns. It is an effective, and sensible, use of resources.

Dr Carol de Launey


Hello. This survey is a joint effort by Dr Carol de Launey (Southern Cross University) who surveyed crop growers (eg: The True Value of a Cannabis Plant, Alt Law Jl, 1996 vol.21:3) and Nimbin’s drug culture (eg: her 2002 PhD thesis: What Drug Problem? SCU) & Michael Balderstone (foundation HEMP Party President & a major spokesperson for Nimbin’s cannabis culture). We want to show the true face of drug dealers—not the stereotypes portrayed in the media; furthermore, the police and some residents have estimated vast amounts of money being made on the streets of Nimbin, which may or may not be remotely accurate! So we want an idea of the real situation .. the money made (& lost), and the day-to-day problems (& good times). You are under no obligation to answer any particular question/s that you don’t want to. To protect you, this survey is completely anonymous; you fill out the form yourself, and when you have finished, put it into an envelope & seal it. If you don’t understand anything, please ask the person who is collecting the envelopes. There are spaces throughout the survey for you to add comments, or criticize, or explain something. Early results will be available to you at the HEMP Embassy soon after the survey is finished. Thank you for your time.


a) Are you: MALE ? FEMALE ?

b) Aged: under 20 ? 20-29 ? 30-39 ? 40-49 ? 50-59 ? 60-69 ? 70+ ?

c) Do you support dependents (eg children): Yes ? No ?

d) How long have you lived on the north coast? .............

e) Where did you grow up (eg city, rural town)? ........................................

f) What is your highest level of education (including trade qualifications) ......................................................


g) When you were a child was your family: Single parent ? Two parents ? Extended family ?

Other ..............................................................................................................................

h) Were your parents/guardians: Well-off ? Comfortable ? Quite poor ?

Comments ...............................................................................................................................................

i) What is your cultural background (if you want to tell us) ........................................................................

a) Do you sell cannabis? Yes ? No ?

b) What [other] drugs do you sell? ..................................................................................... None ?

Comments ...............................................................................................................................................

c) About how long have you been selling? .......................

d) Do you sell: All year round ? Most of the year ? Only occasionally ?

Other ........................................................................................................................................................

e) Do you sell: Your own ? Other people’s ? Both ?

& if other people’s, is it usually on credit? Yes ? No ?

f) What are the main problem/s you face when dealing? ...............................................................................



g) Are your customers mostly: Local (north coast) ? Other Australian ? Overseas Tourists ?


h) Which sorts do you sell in: Bush Hydro Both
SPRING ? ? ?

SUMMER ? ? ?

AUTUMN ? ? ?

WINTER ? ? ?


i) Why do you sell cannabis [&/or other drugs]? ........................................................................................



j) About how many customers a day would you sell to, in: Good times ................ Bad times .............

Comments: ............................................................................................................................................

3. PROFIT (If it is hard to estimate an ‘average’ amount, use a range, eg: $500 - $2,000)

a) In Spring, what would your profit be: On a good day $ .................... On a bad day? $ ........................

b) In Summer, what would your profit be: On a good day $ .................... On a bad day? $ ........................

c) In Autumn, what would your profit be: On a good day $ .................... On a bad day? $ ........................

d) In Winter, what would your profit be: On a good day $ .................... On a bad day? $ ........................

e) What sorts of expenses & losses do you have? ............................................................................................


f) What sorts of things do you spend the money you earn on? ...................................................................


g) If you couldn’t sell cannabis, what would you do for money (or drugs)? .................................................


h) Has the drug market changed over time? ................................................................................................


i) Do you think you will still be selling cannabis [other] in five years time? Yes ? No ?

j) What are the best things about selling? ...........................................................................................


Anything you want to add? .........................................................................................................................


NEXT, A FEW QUESTIONS ABOUT HYDRO (We have heard a lot about it, but what do you think?)
a) Do you sell hydro? Yes ? No ? (if No, then go to back page)

b) About how many different varieties of hydro have you sold in the past year? ........................................

c) Which ones have been the most popular ......................................................................................................


d) Why? .................................................................................................................................................................


e) Do you have customers who only want hydro? Yes ? No ? ....................................

f) Do you have customers who only want bush? Yes ? No ? ....................................

g) What do you think are the main risk factors or health problems with Hydro? ....................................


Anything you want to add about hydro? ..............................................................................................................


And lastly,

a) When did you last use: TODAY PAST WEEK PAST YEAR EVER NEVER

Alcohol ? ? ? ? ?

Cannabis ? ? ? ? ?

Tobacco ? ? ? ? ?

Amphetamines (speed, ice) ? ? ? ? ?
Opiates (heroin) ? ? ? ? ?

Party drugs (XTC, cocaine, etc) ? ? ? ? ?

Other ...........................................

Comments .........................................................................................................................................................

c) If you smoke cannabis, do you usually mix it with tobacco? Yes ? No ?

d) If you use cannabis, is it usually: Hydro ? Bush ? Both ?

e) Do you usually: Smoke it in a bong ? or a joint ?? or Eat it ?? Other ................

Comments .........................................................................................................................................................

Is there anything else you want to say (about anything): ......................................................................................






NSW Cannabis Laws - Nimbin Accommodation, Places to stay..
Hempen Images - Cannabis World News - Hemp History - Nimbin HEMP Embassy

51 Cullen Street, Nimbin, NSW 2480.
Copyright � 2005 Nimbin HEMP Embassy.