Other Rallies

Monday 1 May

As a warm up for MardiGrass, on May Day, Monday 1 May, the Nimbin Hemp Embassy calls all cannabis supporters to rally and march for drug law reform in Lismore.

Gather outside Lismore Court House from midday to march to the office of NSW local Member of Parliament, Thomas George. We come to ask why he is forcefully persecuting cannabis users in Nimbin. This is happening at the same time as both the federal and state governments recognize the importance of cannabis medicine, like Nimbin has been saying all along.  We will ask for our apology!

Friday 5 May

10:45am : Gather on the footpath outside Nimbin Hospital

11:00am : March for cannabis law reform from Nimbin Hospital across the road to the Police Station to deliver a request for them to treat us, and our choice of medicine and recreation, as part of everyday life – not a criminal matter.