Indica Arena ~ Hemp IMF Tent

This year’s Mardigrass Hemp IMF Tent will promote hemp solutions for Industry, Medical and Food use. Our highly experienced Hempies have had many years of experience in developing hemp for new clean green hemp/bamboo farming and renewable raw materials to replace mining and petrochemicals.


Saturday 6 May

10 30 am Radha Rene, Love Hemp

Topic: Developing Small Hemp Businesses In Australia
About: Radha started a small business a couple of years ago called Love Hemp. She sells hemp oil, hemp protein and other health and beauty products grown and made in Australia. Radha will talk on her experience of a small ethical hemp business.


11am Binah Pownell

Topic: Hemp Building in Australia
About: Binah has been involved with the Hemp industry in all it’s facets for many years. He has worked with Klara Morosszeky in teaching and developing hemp building in Australia. Binah will present an exposé of hemp building, past and present. If you’re wanting to build a house of Hemp don’t miss this talk!


11-30am Dolph Cook, Charmaster

Topic: Hemp Biochar and Hemp Farming
AboutDolph is a passionate advocate of Hemp and Biochar, which he produces from hemp and other woody weedy material. Dolph grows Industrial Hemp on his farm at Kungar near Nimbin. Dolph will give his experience of developing hemp farming and the importance of Biochar for happy health hemp plants.


12 pm Martin Ernegg

Topic:  Super Strong Hemp Products
AboutMartin is the developer and inventor of Hemp Fusion a system that uses only Hemp and water to create amazingly strong super environment friendly materials in Australia. Martin currently makes Musical Instruments that are eco friendly and fully recyclable. Martin will talk on developing his materials for a wide range of industrial uses for carbon neutral global friendly consumer goods. Martin will also be doing continuous modeling on Saturday and Sunday of His Hemp Steel product developed over many years of R&D.


12-30 pm Carl Martel

Topic:  Canadian Hemp Farmer and developer of Industrial Hemp Products
AboutCarl Has had many years of experience in the hemp industry and has developed hemp vanishes, paints, plastics and is currently working on Hemp Graphene which is 100s of times stronger than steel, flexible and can carry electrical current very efficiently. Graphene is the next revolution in renewable materials that can be grown from hemp. Many new and revolutionary materials are being made from this amazing material.


1 pm Wadzy (Wayne Wadsworth), Health Farms International

Topic:  The Need for A Hemp Co-op in Australia and setting up Processes for Industrial Medicinal and Food Hemp
Wadzy has had many years of experience in the hemp industry being a passionate supporter of all things hemp. He has done marketing and selling of hemp products, helped other people set up hemp businesses and is currently Nimbin biggest (legal) hemp grower. Wadzy will talk on the need to set up Co–operatives and Health Farms for developing hemp industries in Australia. He will also give advice on how to get into growing and developing markets for Hemp in Australia and overseas.  


1-30 pm Gerald Taylor, The Goddess

Topic:  Making your Own Medicine
About: Gerald has been involved with hemp most of his adult life. He is a passionate advocate of all things hemp in all its uses. Gerald will talk on the necessity for the law to change so people can grow and make their own medicinal Cannabis. Gerald will also talk about making your own medicine.


2-30 pm The presenters will do an hour long Q&A with the audience on all things HEMP.