

25th Annual MardiGrass Opening Protest

10:45am : Gather on the footpath outside Nimbin Hospital

11:00am : March for cannabis law reform from Nimbin Hospital across the road to the Police Station to deliver a request for them to treat us, and our choice of medicine and recreation, as part of everyday life – not a criminal matter.

1993 was the year when Bob Hopkins surrendered to Nimbin Police in protest of Cannabis prohibition during the first MardiGrass rally


Nimbin Town Hall/School of Arts

MardiGrass Info Booth, chill zone, medical Cannabis meeting place, forums, with advice and education in the garden. The Greek Street Food Cafe in the Town Hall is open all weekend serving healthy meals, local coffee and homemade hempseed cakes.

12 – 6 pm: Hemposium Conference

Talks, workshops, demos and forums on cannabis law reform, medicine, industry, culture, and history.

Link to Program ~ Link to Speakers

We are pleased to present some mind-bending action at the 25th MardiGrass Hemposium. There is an impressive line-up of speakers who will share their medical and industrial cannabis expertise and experiences, as well as reveal the campaigns and gains made in other cannabis loving communities around the planet.

6 pm : Medical Cannabis Healers Circle – Town Hall Garden

Considering MardiGrass is a great national and international melting pot, it is a perfect opportunity to have an open meeting for all those currently advocating for medicinal cannabis access. We are doing our community a disservice by not having open and clear communication on the number and variety of cannabis users in Australia. We want this community united like never before and to make ALL voices across Australia be heard: healers, advocates and users.

7.30pm : Great Green Cabaret

A fabulous fast-paced variety show featuring comedy, acrobatics, poetry, hip hop and salsa and flamenco dancers, plus singers and musicians…a grand mix of performers from Nimbin and all around the region & more!! MC Australian champion poet, David Hallett. Entry $10 or MardiGrass wristband

9 pm : Picker’s Ball

9 pm Truffle Hunter

10 pm Out of Range Band

11 pm War Rages Within


Allsop Park

5 pm : 25th MardiGrass Opening Ceremony

Fire dancers will herald the arrival of Chibo carrying the Hemp Olympix Torch with the Eternal Flame For The Victims Of Prohibition, the Bundjalung Custodians will do a smoking ceremony and welcome to country followed by a minutes silence to remember our Brothers and Sisters, Victims of this senseless War on Drugs. Captain Cook stayed at Botany Bay from 29th April to May 7th 1770 when he raised the flag 247 years ago.


Indica Arena ~ Disco Sista’s Tent

5 pm : Marijuana Australiana – Film screening and Q&A with film maker, Richard Barron

Marijuana Australiana is a rambunctious, intelligent and timely documentary about the history of cannabis culture in Australia – from its beginnings as a recreational drug among the country’s youth to its emergence into the mainstream as an alternative and effective medicine – and the political posturing around it. Mullumbimby-based Richard Baron’s informative and often funny film takes us to the nation’s cannabis capital, Nimbin, where he captures the sheer anarchic merriment of the legalise-it movement in footage of the MardiGrass.


7 pm : Comedy – Weed Laughs!

Hosted by Laugh Mob. Weed love to make you laugh with our comedy ! And we sure need it to handle these ridiculous, discriminatory, inhuman, archaic, ludicrous and laughable cannabis laws.

9 – 10 pm : Green Light Party

Hosted by Disco Sista & Laugh Mob

Nimbin DJ Club presents Open DJ Sets / Fire Dancers / Lights / Videos / Fx… dance in the largest rainproof tent…. Featuring: Vicious System, Salubrious Something’s, and Video DJ Disco Sista


SPontanous Art Event #imaginorium @ 7 Sibley Street

Friday & Saturday : Prop And Costume Making For Sunday Parade

(On the way to the skate park) DRop in and get creative with local makers of sculpture, puppets and fun. #imaginorium is building some fabulous props for this years protest parade on Sunday. EVer wanted to be a more colourful part of protest? Get your creative skates on to paint, sew, cut and bedazzle!!


Hemp [Party] Bar @ the Embassy

This is the home of POT ART though there will be more next door in the Embassy also. Meet old hippies here and long time cannabis law reform activists. Coffees, teas, healers and archival Mardigrass footage. The Bar hosts Ghosts of MardiGrass Past! Join the HEMP Party here. And if you live in Victoria or NSW, please sign up and help us register state HEMP Parties. Armband entry only!

4.20 pm  Web Cam Broadcast begins at HEMP Party Bar and includes Church of the Holy Smoke MardiGrass Blessing with the sacrificial $US100 note lighting the joint on the very moment of 4:20. Please join our church over the weekend!

6 pm   GREY POWER outside the HEMP BAR. Annual gathering of grandparents, parents and children for the POLITE SERVICE to capture evidence in images to record the proof that pot is anti-aging!


Cullen St – Outside Daizy’s

7 pm : Nimbin Street Drummers

Please leave the street open for traffic!


Djanbung Gardens

8 am – 4 pm Cafe & DJ Lounge
2.30 pm Workshop:  Organic Growing Masterclass – the Magic of Biochar and Compost Tea (free with armband, others by donation)