Jungle Patrol


If you’d like to volunteer for Jungle Patrol, either contact Heidi Glover 02-6689 7589, or complete and submit MardiGrass Volunteer Registration-17 or [PDF]

Jungle Patrol operates from Friday 8am 5th May through to early Monday morning 8th May. Volunteers undertake at least for 2 x 4 hour shifts.

SAVE-A-MATE First Aid Course

9.30 am – 3 pm Thursday May 4th 2017, Nimbin Bowling Club, 25 Sibley Street

Jungle Patrol Sign-On

5 pm Thursday May 4th 2017, Nimbin Bowling Club, 25 Sibley Street

What is Jungle Patrol?

The Jungle Patrol is a local volunteer organisation that grew from the volunteer groups of early MardiGrass celebrations.  Jungle Patrol members keep watch over the streets, encourage people to keep the peace, and bear witness when they do not. The Jungle Patrol cannot enter an affray, but will encourage a peaceful resolution to any disturbance. If there is an incident, it is witnessed, and aid is rendered after the event if necessary, and Jungle Patrol will contact the Police if the situation warrants it. The Jungle Patrol provides visitor information, crowd safety, primary first aid, event communications and security/police liaison.

Contact: Heidi Glover 02-6689 7589