Information for Locals


The MardiGrass Organising Body would like to thank Nimbin residents for their tolerance, assistance & enthusiasm for this just cause.

MardiGrass is a grassroots event

People come to the MardiGrass not only to agitate for cannabis law reform, they also come to experience the village of Nimbin which is renowned for its hospitality and ‘hippy’ vibe like no other place on Earth.

Even though MardiGrass is run by volunteers (who show up every year from all over Australia and the world), the event is still utterly dependent on the goodwill and help provided by local residents. The MardiGrass is built on a bedrock of Nimbin community spirit and a passion for the Cannabis laws to be reformed.

We invite you to call into the Hemp Embassy or phone 6689 1842 with enquiries or questions about the event and to tell us if you want to volunteer. We especially welcome locals to join Jungle Patrol.

Local $20 armbands will be for sale at the HEMP Embassy in the week before or from Gail at the Town Hall Information over the weekend. Bring some ID if no one knows you in the Embassy. And if you just want to have a quick look over the weekend, also ask Gail at the front of the Town Hall.

We are keen for you to have a look at Plantem Park behind the Town Hall, this new wonderful venue in the middle of our village. It’s a huge area and includes the Town Hall and all the land down to the creek, from the HEMP Embassy to the rear of the Green Bank. We’re grateful to Mal and Lesley for allowing us to use this beautiful land. Entry is via the Town Hall or the driveway beside the Hall where armbands will be on sale. You wont miss it.

There is a terrific program in the Hall on all three days including speakers from California, Alaska, and Canada who have travelled all the way here just for this weekend to tell us how it’s going with their new Cannabis laws. Already statistics from American states that have introduced medical cannabis are showing significant reductions in opioid overdose deaths, suicide, car accidents, domestic violence, and arrests of course. From what we read the consequences are all good but come and hear for yourselves from the visitors speaking at the Hemposium.

We were inundated by musicians and there is a big comedy line up as well.  The Kombi Konvoy arrives from Byron Bay at 4.20pm Saturday 5 May, and the main event, the Parade and Rally for Cannabis Law Reform is on Sunday 6 May starting at 2.30 from the western carpark exit. Browse the full program online.

New Parking Restrictions

Again this year there is no parking over the weekend in Thorburn Street between Sibley and Cullen Streets, and also no parking down Cecil Street to the Showground camping entrance. The centre of the village will be free of parked cars like previous years with no parking and water barriers outside the Town Hall from Perceptio to the Pub and between the Museum and the Emporium on the other side. These new zones will be clearly signposted by Council on the Friday and removed on the Monday. We will tape off no parking areas best we can to prevent fines but DRIVERS WILL GET A FINE IF THEY IGNORE THE PARKING SIGNS.  

Camping & Cost

The Showground is looking immaculate and we are encouraging all campers to buy a $150 weekend “Golden Bud” pass which gets the bearer into all MardiGrass events plus 3 nights camping.

A weekend MardiGrass pass without camping is $50. There is plenty of free entertainment on in the village without buying an armband but we depend entirely on their sales to pay for the event, which has become a very expensive protest! All support much appreciated.


There are many jobs to do before the weekend, including sign and banner painting, making the stage, building the fence around Plantem Park, fencing off no parking zones, etc. Then during the weekend we have any amount of backpackers helping but we need locals who know the terrain, and speak English!

Drug free drivers are always needed!!

Jungle Patrol offers a unique and educational way for locals to help in a big way over the weekend.

And a special mention for the Showground committee who accommodate the majority of visitors and would also love some local help.

If you’d like to volunteer more information can be found here.

To enlist in Jungle Patrol call Heidi on 6689 7589.

Parking & Road Closures

  • Short Term Parking – is notoriously difficult. We suggest get your shopping early and if you need help with it please contact us. Police and Council promise to help campers go to the correct areas. They will not allow camping in the Western Car park.
  • We tape off areas and advise locals to do the same with driveways or entrances they wish to keep clear.
  • Day parking – Visitors parking will be appropriately sign posted on the Northern, Southern and Eastern entrances.
  • RTA approved road traffic control will be in place during MardiGrass and Cullen Street will be closed for only the period of the Rally, Sunday afternoon between 2.30 and approx 3.30. The Rally will gather in the northern end of the Western carpark and head down Cullen Street turning left into Cecil street when we get to the Police station, then back to Plantem Park turning left at the bridge halfway down Cecil st.The Green bank driveway is a shortcut for whoever wants a shorter walk.

Also Important

  • The Nimbin Central School grounds are strictly off limits for the weekend.
  • Noise Levels will be monitored throughout Saturday evening and amplified music and loud drumming finishes at midnight.
  • We are committed to non violent peaceful protests Please do not give the police an excuse to be anything less than polite.
  • MardiGarbos: We plan to recycle everything we can. Please bother to put all waste in the correct bins. Thank you from the Environment!
  • 40 event Portaloos will be placed around the village. Please report any that are out of order.
  • Jungle Patrol will be on the street providing visitor information, crowd safety, primary first aid, event communications, security police liaison and coordinate with traffic management. If you need help during the event, Jungle Patrol are the people to ask. JP HQ will be on the street verandah of the pub.


HEMP Embassy 6689 0326 or 6689 1842

Police 6689 1244

Hospital 6689 1400