Drug Free Drivers: MardiGrass Duber and UBud

Drivers & passengers make contact via Facebook group: Nimbin Mardi grass rideshare


Driver Phone Numbers below:

Cameron 0487 282 148

Clinton 0402 724 882

Markus 0416 770 449

John 0474 051 416

Spike 0429 362 179

Cristiano 0450 913 145

  • Byron Bay/Nimbin

Peter 0402 831 151

  • Lismore to Nimbin over the mardigrass weekend. Pick up point out the front of Northern Rivers Hotel, Terania Street, North Lismore to car park Nimbin, returning hourly. Seats 7 up to passengers.

Call out for Drug Free Drivers!

The latest weapon in prohibition’s arsenal is the roadside saliva test. A grossly unfair approach to road safety, the saliva test simply finds “traces” of THC in saliva, rather than testing for actual driver impairment. We’re able to drive with a designated amount of alcohol in our system, but for other drugs it is zero tolerance. This means that not just hours, but days or even weeks, after consuming cannabis, traces of THC could be discovered in your saliva.

MardiGrass is calling for drug free drivers to help locals and visitors during MardiGrass safely get to and from their accommodation and Nimbin.

Please register for the MardiGrass Duber/UBud Service by emailing: nimbinmardigrass@hempembassy.net


Join Facebook group: Nimbin Mardi grass rideshare

Drivers and passengers will be able to make contact for lifts via the FB page, or we will include a list of driver contacts on this webpage during MardiGrass.


And if you’re driving yourself, please join and check this Facebook group: nth coast RDT locations