
Nimbin MardiGrass Market Stalls 2017


Application form to be returned to:
Stephanie Seckold
Nimbin MardiGrass Market Coordinator

56 Cullen St. Nimbin NSW 2480 or

Closing date: April 21st 2017

Terms, conditions, and other handy hints…

  • The market site will be open for setting up on Friday 5th May from 10am. Be aware that Nimbin village is still doing business as usual on Friday, and again on Monday.
  • Your stall must be set up by 8 am Saturday 6th May
  • Please be aware that no vehicles are allowed on site after this time.
  • Stalls must be packed down and off site by Sunday night, 7th May
  • Although Nimbin MardiGrass will provide security, you alone are responsible for your property.
  • No dogs or other non–native animals are allowed on site. Please leave your pets with a carer for the weekend.
  • This is also a night market, so stallholders must be willing to trade into the evenings.
  • Stalls usually close around 9-10pm, but you are welcome to trade longer.
  • Please make sure that you minimise the amount of electricity you use.
  • Choose lower electricity lights rather than spotlights. Halogen lights or flood lights will not be allowed. There are plenty of reasonable alternatives. Please make sure that your electrical equipment is tested and tagged before you arrive and you have plenty of extension leads & large cable ties to affix cords to your stall. Power leads cannot be threaded through marquee frames but must be loosely suspended by cable ties so they can be easily removed in an emergency.


  • Any Pepsi-Co or Coca Cola product
  • Toy guns or other child’s pretend weapons
  • We hope your products can be displayed with a minimum of packaging & all waste is minimized. Recycling is a priority.
  • Please be aware that this list is not complete. If there are any issues, the coordinator will contact you upon receipt of this application.


Payment for stalls is to be made in full by the 21st April 2017. Your stall will not be confirmed until payment is received. No stall fees will be collected at Mardigrass.

Payments can be made via EFT to Nimbin M.O.B. Incorporated:
BSB 728728 Acc 22290965 (ISave Online – MOB)

Or in person at Summerland Credit Union:
BSB 728728 Acc 22290678 (Cheque Account – MOB)

Include your stall name as the banking reference. Eg: Lismore Lamingtons

Please also email to confirm payment, and we will send you an invoice/receipt.