
Welcome to the Earth’s longest running “Four Twenty” Demonstration in Nimbin! Come on everybody! It’s time to take control of the street! OCCUPY!! Stand shoulder-to-shoulder with your fellow cannabis lovers and light whatever you have in your hand, and let’s appreciate that all around the world millions of people are smoking pot at Four Twenty. They are getting together outside factories and offices. They are lighting up in homes and in gardens and on beaches, and pretty much everywhere! At Four Twenty everyone ought to be thinking pot for peace and peace for pot and ways to achieve it!! Thank each other for bravery in the face of what can seem at times to be overwhelming opposition, and for standing strong against those who think cannabis is a problem. Thank each other for spreading the word that cannabis is part of the solution. Now take this vibe out into the world and tell everyone you meet that there is a tribal wave of change coming. Tell them everything you learned at Nimbin MardiGrass!! [More at]

Stoner’s Blaze