Town Hall Garden

Healers’ Tent

Open all weekend: Medical Cannabis meeting place, advice and education from local and visiting experts, as well as herbal extraction and cooking demonstrations.

Friday 3 May

6 pm : Medical Cannabis Healers Circle

Considering MardiGrass is a great national and international melting pot, it is a perfect opportunity to have an open meeting for all those currently advocating for medicinal cannabis access. We are doing our community a disservice by not having open and clear communication on the number and variety of cannabis users in Australia. We want this community united like never before and to make ALL voices across Australia be heard: healers, advocates and users.

Saturday 4 May

10 am – 4 pm : The Medican Community Speaks Out!

Medical Cannabis Advice, Information, Education and Demonstrations. Please drop in any time to share with local and visiting experts. Meet the medican community, and hear first hand for yourself the voices and experiences from the real world.

Talks & Demos

10 am : Radic Al, Herbalist

Topic: Extracting Clean Medicine

11 am : Nikki Freeburn, Natural Lore Wellness

Topic: Client Care and the role of a Consultant
Nikki will present on the importance of specialised Client Care and the role of a Consultant to support those accessing Cannabis for serious illness and preventative care.

12 pm : BJ Futter, Church of Ubuntu

Topic: Cannabis Reality .. the story of Church of UBUNTU
BJ Futter, President of the Church of Ubuntu. ” I am grateful to have had the opportunity to liberate many of the lies about Our Herbs, Cannabis now being revered by many experts as the pinnacle healing plant from Creation.”

1 pm : Dr Deb Waldron

Topic: How good is Cannabis for the autism spectrum?

2 pm : Sita von Windheim, Canada

Topic: Cooking with Healthy Hemp. Learn about the superfood hemp

3 pm : Hempy, SA Herbalist

Topic: Freestyling with SA herbalist Hempy who shares his insights to your questions on Cannabis

Sunday 5 May

10 am – 2 pm : The Medican Community Speaks Out!

Medical Cannabis Advice, Information, Education and Demonstrations. Please drop in any time to share with local and visiting experts. Meet the medican community, and hear first hand for yourself the voices and experiences from the real world.

Talks & Demos

10 am : Radic Al, Herbalist

Topic: Extracting Clean Medicine

11 am : Zane Archer, Nimbin Hemp Embassy

Topic: Wholistic Healing

12 pm : Frances Moonshadow, Nimbin Hemp Embassy

Topic: Pot for Pets.

1 pm : Dr Deb Waldron

Topic: Cannabis a beautiful lady