


Nimbin Town Hall

7.30 pm : Great Green Cabaret

Nimbin’s fantastic Great Green Cabaret returns for the 2021 MardiGrass.

Featuring an amazing array of performance artists including international headline act the Hussy Hicks, plus singer Jex Lopez on the grand piano, Brisbane acrobat David Carberry, together with Bronte Webster from the Pitts Family Circus, dance ensembles the Veil of Dreams and Nimbin’s own Ganga Faeries, comedian Greg Sullivan, poet/host David Hallett and popular Nimbin singers Andrea Soler and Neil Pike.

Great Green Cabaret will be at Nimbin School of Arts on Friday 30 April, (no pre-booking), doors open at 7pm, first in/best seated, entry by MardiGrass wristband or $20
Jex Lopez
Veil of Dreams
David Carberry

Nimbin Ganja Faeries