Nimbin Town Hall – Sunday 2 May

This venue features the MardiGrass Info Booth, Hemposium conference, Hemp Olympix, as well as cabaret, comedy and music, along with the Healers Tent and Veterans Lounge in the garden. The Town Hall Cafe on the Town Hall verandah is open all weekend serving healthy meals, local coffee and homemade hempseed cakes.

10 am – 2 pm: Hemposium Conference

Talks, workshops, demos and forums on cannabis law reform, medicine, culture, and history.

Link to Program ~ Link to Speakers

We are pleased to present some first class educational and thought provoking action at the 29th MardiGrass Hemposium.


2 pm Break for MardiGrass Parade & Rally

Gather in Cullen Street!


5 pm : Hemp Olympix Joint Rolling Finals

Hosted by SSorensen and Alan Glover.

Followed by the Plantathlon Award for the best Hemp Olympix All-rounder, in memory of Chicken George, the legendary Plantem of previous MardiGrass.

Special 29th MardiGrass Plantem look-a-like competition. Great green prizes!


6.30 pm : The new Legalise Cannabis political movement

Facilitator: Craig Ellis, Co-ordinator LCVIC – TBC

  • Gail Hester Secretary LCNSW
  • Tony Hopkins President LCQ
  • Deb Lynch Co-ordinator LCSA
  • Sophia Moermond, MLC WA, LCWA
  • Dr Brian Walker, MLC WA, LCWA