Hemposium Program

Speaker Bios

Industrial Hemp Expo

Panel Discussions

Q&A: Hon Members & Senators Learning Circle
11am Saturday 6 May, Northern Rivers Hemp

Cullen Street [Opposite Post Office]

FACILITATOR: Gerald, The Hempire

ABOUT: A chance for our parliamentarians representing Cannabis to hear from the farmers and producers of the Hempire and discuss strategy and tactics as the revolution progresses.

PANEL: Legalise Cannabis Plots & Plans
2 pm Saturday 6 May, Indica Arena Tent

FACILITATOR: Dr Brian Walker, Legalise Cannabis W.A.
SPEAKERS: Jeremy Buckingham, Craig Ellis, David Ettershank, Sophia Moermond, Rachel Payne

ABOUT: With Legalise Cannabis representatives now in three state parliaments โ€“ WA, Victoria and NSW โ€“ how can Cannabis make the most of its time in the halls of power? What regulations does the Legalise Cannabis party want to pursue at the State level, and what would be the strategies to get there? What would be the common approaches, and what aspects are unique to each State?

Rainbow Leaf

PANEL: Master Gardener’s Forum
2.30 pm Saturday 6 May, Hall Garden Tent

FACILITATOR: Gerald, The Hemp Club
SPEAKERS: Hanna & Leon, Dr Andrew Katelaris, Richie, Skywalker

ABOUT: Northern Rivers hemp farmers share their wide-ranging experience. Come learn from the experts, and please bring your tips & ideas to the circle.

PANEL: International Cannabis Experiences
3 pm Saturday 6 May, Indica Arena Tent

FACILITATOR: Bee Mohamed, Astrid
SPEAKERS: Paul Benhaim [Thailand], Jason “Wilfred” Gann [USA], Rebecca Houghton [USA], HQ [Malaysia], Marc Selan [Spain]

ABOUT: Our panelists will share their personal experiences with Cannabis law reform, culture and the entrepreneurial highs and lows of navigating Cannabis industries in other countries.

PANEL: TGA Decision to Reschedule MDMA & Psilocybin โ€“ The Good, Bad & the Ugly
6 pm Saturday 6 May, Nimbin Town Hall

FACILITATOR: Rebecca Houghton
SPEAKERS: Prof James Bennett-Levy, Dr Karen Hitchcock, Micha Lerner, Dr Will Tregoning, Dr Martin Williams

ABOUT: The half century old War on Drugs has meant people with a mental health diagnosis have been deprived of safe and effective treatments, all in the name of pharmaceutical profits. Recently, in a surprise move that made headlines around the globe, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australiaโ€™s national regulator of drugs, poisons and pharmaceuticals made the decision to re-schedule MDMA and Psilocybin to schedule 8, under very specific and strict conditions.

This panel brings together researchers, psychologists, doctors, legal experts and advocates to discuss this decision. What it means for the future of psychological health care? Who meets the access criteria? What will this likely cost? What therapeutic training will be required for practitioners? Panelists consider whether patients are treatment-resistant or if theyโ€™ve been treatment-deprived? And examine what the cultural and societal cost of prohibition has been. 

Q&A: Cannabis Laws in Australia & State by State Reform
10 am Sunday 7 May Nimbin Town Hall

SPEAKERS: Steve Bolt, David Heilpern & David Shoebridge

ABOUT: This session will discuss Cannabis laws in Australia, and present a round up of state-by-state drug law reform in 2023 incorporating Mr Heilpernโ€™s intriguing Radical Flank and Overton Window theories. From strip searches at festivals and your friendly sniffers dogs, to medical cannabis being the only prescribed medicine which makes it illegal to drive, please come on a journey into many cruel and unusual laws running rampant in contemporary Oz.

PANEL: Cannabis for Healing, Health and Wellbeing
11 am Sunday 7 May, Nimbin Town Hall

FACILITATOR: Dr Brian Walker, Legalise Cannabis W.A.
SPEAKERS: Mirembe Campbell, Dr Karen Hitchcock, Dr John Teh

ABOUT: This panel will explore how Cannabis affects our health and wellbeing, and how it assists with a diverse range of ailments including serious illness. Speakers will cover our endocannabinoid system, how Cannabis treats various medical conditions, the role of terpenes, drug interactions, and how to access legal medical Cannabis. Hear from both doctors and patient experience.

PANEL: Australian psychedelic ecosystem: Activism, Education & Community
12 pm Sunday 7 May, Hall Garden Tent

FACILITATOR: Jonathan Carmichael, Entheogenesis Australis
SPEAKERS: Caine Barlow, Liam Engel, Pixie Miller, Dr Martin Williams

ABOUT: In 2023 psychedelics are not contained within an underground bubble anymore, as they are integrated into the respectable worlds of therapy and corporate control. This panel will share the rich history of grounded activism and education in the Australian psychedelic community as mainstream medicalisation and commercialism start to emerge.

PANEL: Weed Legalisation โ€“ Whatโ€™s Next?
12.45 pm Sunday 7 May, Nimbin Town Hall

FACILITATOR: David Heilpern
SPEAKERS: Cate Faehrmann, David Ettershank, Sue Higginson, Fiona Patten, Rachel Payne, David Shoebridge

ABOUT: This panel will explore a range of legalisation hot spots including – roadside drug testing and treating cannabis the same as other prescription medicine, adult use, removing past cannabis convictions, fixing the medicinal cannabis scheme, cannabis in the work place, and decriminalising psychedelics.

MEETING: Legalise Cannabis Party
5.30 pm Sunday 7 May, Hall Garden Tent

FACILITATOR: Dr Brian Walker, Legalise Cannabis W.A.
SPEAKERS: Michael Balderstone, Jeremy Buckingham, Craig Ellis, David Ettershank, Sophia Moermond, Rachel Payne

All Welcome! Meet our elected State representatives from NSW, Western Australia and Victoria.