Friday 29 April

Opening Protest

Opening Ceremony

Hemp Bar

Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Nimbin Street Drummers

Saturday 30 April

Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Sativa Stadium

Kombi Konvoy & 420

Sunday 1 May

Law Reform Parade & Rally

Nimbin Town Hall

Town Hall Garden

Indica Arena

Sativa Stadium


Town Hall

This venue features the MardiGrass Info Booth, Hemposium conference, Hemp Olympix, as well as cabaret, comedy and music, along with the Healers Tent and Veterans Lounge in the garden. The Town Hall Cafe on the Town Hall verandah is open all weekend serving healthy meals, local coffee and homemade hempseed cakes.

10 am – 4 pm: Hemposium Conference

Talks, workshops, demos and forums on cannabis law reform, medicine, culture, and history.

Link to Program ~ Link to Speakers

We are pleased to present some first class educational and thought provoking action at the 30th MardiGrass Hemposium. There is an impressive line-up of speakers who will share their Cannabis expertise and experiences, and reveal the campaigns and gains made in Pot loving communities world wide.

5 pm : HEMP Olympix Joint Rolling First Heats

Must burn from one end to another!

6 pm : Roadside Drug Testing – Safer Roads or Bigger Brother?

Facilitator: Steve Bolt [Solicitor]
Speakers: TBC

David Heilpern
Tom Brown
Fiona Patten [Reason MLC Victoria]
David Shoebridge [Greens MLC NSW]

Panel Discussion: Roadside saliva drug testing is an increasingly commonplace strategy used by police to apparently address road safety issues. However, there is very little research concerning the effectiveness is a zero tolerance policy of traces of cannabis in saliva and reducing harm on the roads. After many years of rigorous research, an agreed limit of allowable alcohol and safe driving was agreed upon. Why canโ€™t the same be done for cannabis? Whatโ€™s happening in Australia, and around the world?

7.55 pm : Ganja Faeries Burlesque Performance

Nimbin Ganja Faeries Burlesque Cabaret performing to an Electro swing version of the original 1920’s prohibition song “Light Up” by Buster Bailey & the Rythm Busters, electrified by Skeewiff. Just goes to show the more things change the more they stay the same.

8 pm : Cannabis Comedy Show

Itโ€™s a long-standing tradition that Saturday night at MardiGrass means Cannabis Comedy. Hosted by the dynamic duo of Glover and Sorrenson, this year Cannabis Comedy presents special guest comedian, Tommy Dean and not just Steady Eddy but the Steady Eddy Band!

Glover & Sorrensen is a two-handed stand-up comedy act that combines the talents of two comedians โ€“ Alan Glover and S Sorrensen โ€“ bouncing off each other (verbally mostly; physically sometimes) combining their wealth of material with unpredictable, spontaneous improvisation. This double act has entertained audiences all over this wide, drying land โ€“ but the dynamic duo loves returning to Sโ€™s tribal land for MardiGrass. Alan and S are also international sporting officials, officiating at and commentating on the MardiGrass Hemp Olympix.

10 pm : Harvest Ball

Musos TBA

Healers Tent @ Town Hall Garden

Open all weekend: Veterans Lounge and Medical Cannabis meeting place, advice and education from local and visiting experts, as well as herbal extraction and cooking demonstrations.

10 am โ€“ 4 pmย : The Medican Community Speaks Out!

Medical Cannabis Advice, Information, Education and Demonstrations. Please drop in any time to share with local and visiting experts. Meet the medican community, and hear first hand for yourself the voices and experiences from the real world.

Link to Healers Tent Program

Sativa Stadium

11 am : World Stoned Chess Championship

Register at Sativa Stadium for the 2021 MardiGrass World Stoned Chess Championship (MWSCC). Competition opens at 12 pm and winner decided by sunset. Drug testing will be compulsory, but not after every move.

11:30 am Hemp Olympix registration

Register at Sativa Stadium for the 2021 Hemp Olympix! $2 Entry into all HEMP Olympix Events.

12 pm : Tug Oโ€™ Drug Peace

Straight versus Spin with the Big Hemp Rope!

Sadly the police have declined our invitation to compete in this famous event in 2021. Well, it is a bit embarrassing to keep losing to the stoners! Maybe theyโ€™ll change their mind, but if not, weโ€™ll have a battle between those who smoke with spin, and those who toke straight. The tug is followed by . . .

12.30 pm : Hemp Olympix First Heats of the Bong Throw and Yell and then the Growers Ironperson Event.

Hosted by S Sorrensen and Alan Glover. Followed by . . .

2.30 pm : Fringe Hemp Olympix

With the Laugh Mob, Frances Moonshadow, Muzza, Kendra Devilish and Baldenstoned all assisting in this fast growing event. This begins with the Beard and Dread Stash. How much can you hide in your hair anywhere? Followed by Correct Weight where contestants attempt to fill a baggie with as close to an ounce as possible, 28.349 grams.ย  Seed Sorting, and the crutch and wheelchair obstacle course where contestants will attempt to score a Licence To Care*.

And in 2021 we are excited to announce a new event: The Kombi Lift!! We are seeking Australiaโ€™s strongest stoner!

* Extremely rare and almost impossible to get in Australia!

5 – 11 pm Music @ Hash Bowl Stage

Musos TBA


Chai n VibesIndica Arena

10 am – 4 pm: Hemp Expo

Link to Program ~ Link to Speakers

Talks, workshops, demos, forum and expo on industrial hemp

This year’s Mardigrass Hemp Expo will explore from seed to satisfaction, showcasing the multiplicity of uses of the wondrous hemp plant’s seeds and fibre. The expo will promote hemp solutions for Industry, Medical and Food use. Our highly experienced Hempies have had many years of experience in developing hemp for new clean green hemp/bamboo farming and renewable raw materials to replace mining and petrochemicals.

This year the expo includes an exhibition of live industrial hemp plants!

5 pmย : Comedy โ€“ Comedy Meditation!

Ever wanted the goodness of meditation and the badness of stand up comedy all wrapped up into one?! Well this is the show for you, join the empowered Sam Kissajukian, spiritual leader Ruven Govender and King of comedy Kyle Legacy on a spiritual journey through your soul and towards a bong. We provide laughs with a hint of enlightenment, fun for the whole family.

6 pmย : Comedy โ€“ Stoner Stand Up!

The Laugh Mob is back and celebrating 7 years at the best festival in the world: the Nimbin Mardi Grass! This year we present โ€˜Stoner Stand upโ€™ hosted by the always lovable goofy Brit himselfโ€ฆ.Kyle Legacy (UK). Heโ€™s back with a bunch of loose units that are ready to make you laugh or at least stop you from passing out! This year we have Patrick Melton (USA, Comedy central), Ruven Govender (SA), Sam Kisajukian (SOLD OUT Edinburgh fringe festival), Lochlan brooks (slender man), Marty Bright (Doof comedy), Nic the hippy (just a legend) & Gavin Scott (GSW).

8 pm : Fire Show

Dancing Acrobatics Fire Show

8.30 pm : Music

ย  TBA



Arrives in Nimbin, having wended its way from Byron Bay via Lismore.


4:20 pm * Global Marijuana March*

Meet for a world record attempt at the most joints ever lit at once in the one place……. Everyone is encouraged to roll a joint so that when the Konvoy has passed,ย  at the call of the Nimbin time 4:20, we can light up simultaneously and please blow as much smoke as possible for the cameras.

Well over 1 million cannabis law reform activists in nearly 300 cities around the globe will be protesting. In Nimbin we will once again aim to break our record for the most joints ever lit at once in the same place at the same time. This is somewhat difficult for us now because weed is legal – for those who enjoy it – in 10 American states and Washington DC. Since November 2018, weed for fun, relaxation and creative enhancement is now legal throughout Canada.

Be smart and bring a “joint”! After the last Kombi has passed, wait for the call and we will light up,and produce as much smoke as possible for the cameras recording the event. Viva la Fume!

Hemp Bar

4 pm : Preparation for 420 โ€“ Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!

8 pm HEMP Party members meet here


Roadside Attractions

And if above is not enough, here is a link to other magical happenings dotted around Nimbin village . . .

