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webgreetings and welcome, it's time to start your java engines, because the Nimbin Mardi Grass Cyber Capsule is in  FULL UP LOAD MODE and has been steadily gaining altitude since the 4:20 Pm toke off from the launch pod under the Nimbin HEMP Embassy on Friday.

Most of our early altitude was made possible by the consistent stream of data from the Primary Thrusters (HEMP BAR - CYBER STUDIO) and nowww that the MAIN Thruster - the main street view web cam on the veranda of the pub- is turned FULL ON, it's GO GO GO for the rest of the PROTESTIVAL.

The Sun is shining, there is Blue Sky over head and nothing can stop the BIGGEST Cannabis Law Reform Rally in the Southern Hemisphere.....

WEBMASTERS NOTE: This page automatically updates every 420 seconds to keep you updated with the latest words and the web cams each refresh every 30 seconds or so, so kick back, relax and enjoy the viewww ;O)--~


Webgreetings webTV User, unfortunately U can't see the webshow, and whilst I believe we should be fixing the problem, not fixing the blame, the simple truth is that webTV can't receive the web cam images yet, let's both hope the dudes at Web TV manage to catch up to the rest of the wwworld real soon ;O)--~


Webgreetings webTV User, unfortunately U can't see the webshow, and whilst I believe we should be fixing the problem, not fixing the blame, the simple truth is that webTV can't receive the web cam images yet, let's both hope the dudes at Web TV manage to catch up to the rest of the wwworld real soon ;O)--~

Hemp Bar


Webgreetings webTV User, unfortunately U can't see the webshow, and whilst I believe we should be fixing the problem, not fixing the blame, the simple truth is that webTV can't receive the web cam images yet, let's both hope the dudes at Web TV manage to catch up to the rest of the wwworld real soon ;O)--~

Cyber Studio


Join us in the attempt to set a newww record for longest MAPCHAT session !


Click here for larger viewww

www.nimbinmardigrass.com has undergone significant metamorphosis over the last 4 and twenty odd days of construction," said the NMG webmaster, "in the lead up to the festival the main focus was to illustrate the POTential of reality participation- a virtual advert for revolution if you will- however, after we toke off ( 4:20 PM Friday 4th of May A.E.S.T ) the emphasis spins around to web casting the festival to the wwworld at large."

There will be 'zipped' sound & video files of selected events available to down load and/or stream, the Media Awareness Project has kindly opened the doors to their Chat Room for the duration of the Mardi Grass as well as providing the cyber link for the Global Cannabis Forum. The Cyber Studio, conveniently located beneath the Nimbin HEMP Embassy, is filling up with the web casting terminals and the operators that we will using to capture the content LIVE from the Protestival.

Yep, the tiny village of Nimbin in Northern NSW is once again host to the biggest Cannabis Law Reform Rally in the southern hemisphere. The 'old' Big Joint, the "should be heritage listed" original, is coming down from the roof of the Hemp Embassy for Sunday's Law Reform Rally through the town which will be led by 100 dancing ganja faeries to stand in for the 42 foot giant joint that was bogarted by the Victorian Police at S11 and never returned (legal action continues!).

The village is buzzing with activity, international visitors are already arriving and if the web site interest is any indication, this year will be big."says Co-ordinator Andy Dunning, "More people want to be involved in Mardi Grass 2001 than ever before, which seems to me to be an indication of the rapidly expanding push for sensible cannabis law reform."

An interactive Cannabis Forum that you are encouraged to participate in is taking place in the Nimbin Town Hall with panels on Medicinal Marijuana (cannabis psychosis on the agenda), Industrial Hemp (brick making and fibre workshops) as well as Political, Cultural and Legal issues. Questions from the floor, as well as the input from the chat room, will be discussed by a panel of experts and specialists.


Feel the need for Speed?

HIGHlights of Mardi Grass 2001;

* Pot Art on display all week end and tree planting at Calico Creek.

* Friday Night at the Bush theatre - following the movie 'Traffic,' is the traditional Harvest Ball (the choppers didn't get much!)

*Pot Poetry and Yarndi Yarns for breakfast in the Rainbow Caf� each morning.

* The Kombi Konvoy, led in by Chibo - the Hemp Olympix torch bearer - arrives in Nimbin midday Saturday for opening ceremony in Peace Park.

* The Hemp Olympix - a new event, the Hemp Javelin Throw has been added to perennial favorites, Growers Iron Person, Joint Rolling and Bong Throw and Yell events.

* The Global Million Man Marijuana March IN over 150 cities, Nimbin will roll and light a thousand joints at 4:20 PM as part of our MMMMarch.

*Steady Eddy heads a cast of comedic talent that will be appearing in the cafes and streets all around the village.

*Sibley Street Markets, Pot Art, Buskers Bonanza, fire stick twirling and sniffer dog burning, Cannabis Cup 2001, Seed Swap, Dutchies Caf� at Peace Park stage, Pickers Ball Finale on Sunday night.

*National Bike Trial Competition with Australia's best riders in 4 venues in the main area of town.

*Drug Education Booths, chill out zones and first aid services will be available all weekend.

*$10 Village Impact Tax for visitors. Camping and parking available.

* Most events and venues will be broadcast live to the internet and whats more, this web space is going to change a wwwhole lot more before the first weekend in May.

Further info: Phone the Nimbin Hemp Embassy or the NMG Cyber Studio
Michael Balderstone or Andy Dunning: 026689 1842


Click here to find out about the origins of the MardiGrass, Poster artwork by Elspeth Jones.

The Mardi Grass is only made possible by the highly dedicated staff and unpaid volunteers of the Nimbin HEMP Embassy who work 7 days a week, 365 days a year to;


The Nimbin HEMP Embassy is constantly on the look out for more people to join us, so if you are a responsible cannabis user and you want to Get Active, please;

Send an E-mail to the
Nimbin HEMP Embassy

